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The Perils of Love is the thirty-eighth book in the Left Behind: The Kids series, by Jerry B. Jenkins, Tim LaHaye, with contributions from Chris Fabry. It was originally released in August of 2004. This novella along with two others were later released in the compilation volume, Arrived (Left Behind: The Kids).

Plot introduction[]

Synopsis retrieved from back of the book.

Trapped in New Babylon, Judd Thompson Jr. and his friends face a new threat from the Global Community. Will God help them escape? Will they reach more people with their message?

As a few members of the Young Tribulation Force move to Petra, deadly news reaches them about a beloved friend. While Lionel Washington adjusts to a new assignment, Judd and Vicki Byrne must make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives.

What's Gone on Before[]

Judd Thompson Jr. and his friends in the Young Tribulation Force are living the adventure of a lifetime. Nearing the six-year mark of the Tribulation, a heat wave devastates the world. Believers are able to move around freely during the day, so Judd and Lionel drive to Wisconsin to join their friends.

After a tearful reunion and a welcome-home party, Judd and Vicki decide to help move people and supplies around the country. When they discover a member of an Ohio group missing, Judd and Vicki help their new friend Howard escape.

As the heat wave continues, Judd and Vicki grow closer. On an isolated road in Wisconsin, Judd proposes marriage and Vicki accepts. They ask Dr. Tsion Ben-Judah if he will perform the ceremony, and Tsion suggests they relocate to Petra.

Judd accompanies pilot Westin Jakes on a supply run to New Babylon. There, they stay overnight with a group of believers living right under Nicolae Carpathia's nose.

The next morning, Judd calls Chang Wong at the palace in New Babylon. Chang says the heat wave is over, and Judd's heart sinks. He's thousands of miles from Vicki in the most hostile location on the planet.

Join the Young Tribulation Force as they struggle to survive during the last year of the Great Tribulation.

Plot summary[]

The first chapter begins with Judd Thompson Jr. falling into a chair and gasping for breath. He finds it hard to believe he is trapped in New Babylon. Judd speaks with Chang Wong for a few more minutes, and Chang says he'll call with any information that will help him and Westin Jakes escape. Judd then joins others gathered around several computers. Rainer Kurtzmann apologizes to Judd for his predicament. Judd tells Rainer that it's not the latter's fault and that he and Westin made a bad choice. Judd sees that the temperature gauge is back to normal, according to a laptop. Judd sees through a camera survivors of the fourth bowl judgment rejoicing outside in New Babylon. The believers in the safe house realize they will no longer be able to move around during the day. Westin grumbles about his plane and wonders if the Global Community will find it. Rainer then says they will have to prepare for possible inspections by Peacekeepers. Judd then sees people streaming out of Nicolae Carpathia's palace. Leonardo Fortunato is then seen at a press conference. Judd is shocked by the appearance of the reporters. Now only a few people in ragged clothes are covering international news. Even makeup can't obscure their gaunt faces. Even though Fortunato is wearing his usual gaudy clothing, Judd can clearly see the changes because of the heat wave. Judd sees dark circles under Leon's eyes. In addition, Fortunato's clothes seemed to sag. Leon announces that Carpathia will speak just before noon to give an update on the worldwide heat wave. Judd watches as Leon says the heat wave is over and to give thanks to Carpathia.

Meanwhile, Vicki wakes up with a gasp. She calms down but suspects that something doesn't feel right. She listens for any noise outside but doesn't hear anything. She closes her eyes and lays back on the pillow, whispering a prayer. Vicki finds it better to pray aloud because when she prayed silently, she got distracted and sometimes simply fell asleep. When Vicki had first become a believer, prayer had seemed like a duty. She ticked off a list of things she needed God to do, made sure she confessed her evil acts, got in the right amount of praise and worship, and went on with her life. But it has been six years now, and her view of prayer had changed. Just like she looked forward to talking with Judd and spending time with him, she looked forward to her times alone with God. In fact, speaking with her heavenly father didn't feel stiff and formal-it felt natural. Vicki discovered what had been missing from her prayer life a few years earlier. Vicki realizes it is listening. Vicki had always thought that prayer meant saying things to God. Now Vicki remains silent for a few minutes, letting God bring back passages she had memorized or bits of verses. At first, Vicki was unsure of how to address God. Should Vicki talk to Jesus, call out to God, Father, Heavenly Father, or say something else? She finally realized that God was more concerned with her simply coming to him, but she had found calling him "Father" a comforting way to begin.

Vicki starts praying and says she doesn't know if something is wrong or if she's up because of something she ate, but she wants to listen now. Vicki says she prays for Judd and the plans he has for the wedding and where they'll live once she gets to Petra. Vicki asks God to keep Judd safe. Vicki then pauses, suddenly thinking of a verse Marshall had quoted a few days earlier. The words Vicki recalled were perfect peace, but she couldn't think of the rest. Vicki flips on a flashlight and grabs her Bible from the floor. Shelly Malloy says something in her sleep and rolls over in the bed next to Vicki's. Vicki remembers the passage was from Isaiah and turns to chapter 26, the one Marshall had been speaking about. Vicki finds her answer in the third verse. Vicki reads:

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you!.

Vicki then wonders if God is telling her something. Vicki then wonders if something is about to happen. Vicki continues reading the passage. Vicki reads:

Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal rock. He humbles the proud and brings the arrogant city to the dust. Its walls come crashing down! The poor and oppressed trample it underfoot. But for those who are righteous, the path is not steep and rough. You are a God of justice, and you smooth out the road ahead of them. Lord, we love to obey your laws; our heart's desire is to glorify your name. All night long I search for you; earnestly I seek for God. For only when you come to judge the earth will people turn from wickedness and do what is right. Your kindness to the wicked does not make them do good. They keep doing wrong and take no notice of the Lord's majesty. O Lord, they do not listen when you threaten. They do not see your upraised fist. Show them your eagerness to defend your people. Perhaps then they will be ashamed. Let your fire consume your enemies. Lord, you will grant us peace, for all we have accomplished is really from you.

Vicki shakes her head at the timeless words. She can't wait to meet the writers of the Bible and hear what they had been going through when they penned words like these. Vicki smiles as she reads the end of the twelfth verse again:

"...for all we have accomplished is really from you.

Footsteps sound on the path outside. Vicki switches off the flashlight and sits up in bed. The door creaks open, and Vicki's heart pounds as she squints to see who is coming. Mark Eisman whispers Vicki's name.

Mark then asks if Vicki is awake. Vicki says "Yeah" while leaning back on her pillow. Vicki knows Mark has been on duty in the main cabin keeping watch for the night. Mark says Vicki better come with him. Vicki is dressed up in seconds and runs up the path. She catches up to Mark just before he enters the main cabin. Vicki asks what it is. Mark says it is a phone call and it is bad news. Judd waits for Vicki to come to the phone. He visualizes the cabins she would pass. Judd cringes when she answers, as she sounds out of breath and worried. Judd apologizes for calling so late. Judd wants Vicki to hear the news he is going to tell her from him rather than something over GCNN. Vicki then asks what is wrong. Judd tells Vicki that the heat wave has been lifted in New Babylon and that it was expected to do the same throughout the world. Vicki gasps when Judd tells her where he was. Vicki then asks Judd what he is going to do. Judd says they're keeping a watch on the place until sundown. Judd says he and Westin are hoping to make it back to the plane and head for Petra. Vicki pauses, and Judd thinks she is crying. Instead, Vicki shares a verse she had just looked up and tells Judd to read it as well. Judd then asks if Vicki is not mad at him, just for clarification. Vicki then says she is terrified the GC will find Judd and she'll see him on some newscast. But Vicki says they've been through this before. Judd says he'll let Vicki know as soon as anything changes. The two of them pray and this time Vicki does cry. When Judd hangs up, he goes to the computer and composes an e-mail. In this e-mail, he tells Vicki all the things he couldn't say over the phone. Judd marks the message "private" and sends it.

As promised, Nicolae Carpathia addresses the world from the rooftop of the palace. For some reason God has spared the building. Judd notices that someone has set up fake plants and trees behind Nicolae to make it look like things were back to normal. A well-placed group of smiling GC workers are standing behind him, as if the deaths of millions around the world meant nothing. Nicolae beams as he struts towards the microphone. His hair fluffs in the wind. Nicolae says that as they prepare to partake of our noonday meal there in New Babylon, it is a festive atmosphere. They are all celebrating the end of the curious heat wave that enveloped the planet, and they look forward to the days ahead where they expect peace to rain down on them like a waterfall. Nicolae then says for those who are in time zones where the sun has not yet risen, rest assured that he has taken care of this problem, with the help of his scientists, who have been working around the clock. Rainer sarcastically says right. Rainer then sarcastically says that Nicolae has been able to stop the heat wave with his injured little mind. Carpathia then says the heating of the earth has actually caused the waterways to heal themselves, but there is more work to do. Those who are without homes will see them constructed in the quickest manner possible. Carpathia then says in the past when they have faced hardships, they have pulled together as a Global Community, and that is what will happen now. Carpathia then said to let them use this trouble to unite their hearts and minds for one common goal of peace. Carpathia then says to let the enemies of peace beware, for they are more committed than ever to reaching their goal. With his eyes flashing, Nicolae speaks in several different languages, telling people of the world that he was in control and that he has plans for the good of every person alive.

Hours later, Chang Wong phones Judd and plays part of a conversation Chang has recorded. Chang says this is Nicolae behind closed doors with all of his people. Chang says they spent most of the day just trying to settle people in their offices, but something changed once the directors were there. Chang tells Judd to listen. Judd hears Nicolae rub his hands together. Judd then hears Nicolae say for the first time in a long time, they play on an even field. Nicolae says the waterways are healing themselves, and he says they have rebuilding to do in the infrastructure. Nicolae suggests that they should work at getting all of their loyal citizens back onto the same page with them. Nicolae says he and Director Akbar have some special surprises in store for dissidents on various levels. Carpathia says they are back in business. Carpathia then says it is time to recoup their losses and start delivering a few. Judd asks what that means. Chang says he's not sure, but he bets that the GC knows something about what they've been doing, moving supplies and people. Chang says that they want to hurt them. Judd asks if there is anything new from the adult Tribulation Force. Chang says everybody is back in hiding. Chang says Captain Rayford Steele says they have to pick our spots and strategize for the new night schedule. Which brings Chang to his other news. Judd asks what that is. Chang says it's about Westin's plane. Judd takes a breath and asks if it is safe for them to make a run for it after dark. Chang says he wishes he had better news. Chang says he tapped into one of the local security channels a little earlier. The GC spotted the plane and somehow pulled it near one of the burned-out hangars at the airfield. Judd then asks if they might have to fight them to get it back. Chang says no, all the fighting in the world won't help. Chang says they planted a bomb on board thinking it was a Judah-ite aircraft. Judd clenches his teeth and wonders if they'll have to disarm the bomb. Chang interrupts and tells Judd to listen. Judd says no and tells Chang that if he and Westin can get to the plane that night and get in the air, won't God protect them like he has protected all of the other planes? Chang tells Judd that something went wrong with the detonator. Chang says the bomb exploded. Chang says there is no plane left to fly.

The second chapter begins with Judd informing Westin about the plane's destruction. Westin curses and slams a fist on the table. Westin asks Judd and Rainer to forgive him. Westin says this whole thing is so messed up. Rainer says it's understandable. Rainer says Westin wouldn't be human if he didn't show emotion about this. Westin strokes a few days' growth of beard. Westin says he guesses he should be glad the plague didn't end while they were on their way to the plane. Westin glances at Judd. Westin says he guesses Judd's wedding plans are on hold. Judd says they're going to get out of there. Rainer nods and says they are all hoping that is true because of the prophecy. Judd then says what prophecy are they referring to. Rainer then takes a Bible from the middle of the table. Rainer says they came there to fight the GC and live right under Carpathia's nose. But the Bible motivated them. Westin then asks what the Bible has got to do with it. Rainer then says that one of his friends, or at least his former friend, was studying the book of Revelation one day and came across an interesting verse. Rainer flipped toward the end of the Bible and found chapter 18 and began reading. Rainer reads 'After all this I saw another angel come down from heaven with great authority, and the earth grew bright with his splendor. He gave a mighty shout, 'Babylon is fallen-that great city is fallen! She has become the hideout of demons and evil spirits, a nest for filthy buzzards, and a den for dreadful beasts.' Westin says he knows that New Babylon is exactly like that, with filthy buzzards and dreadful beasts. Rainer then says here is where things get interesting. Rainer reads, 'Then I heard another voice calling from heaven, "Come away from her, my people. Do not take part in her sins, or you will be punished with her. For her sins are piled as high as heaven, and God is ready to judge her for her evil deeds. Do to her as she has done to your people. Give her a double penalty for all her evil deeds. She brewed a cup of terror for others, so give her twice as much as she gave out. She has lived in luxury and pleasure, so match it now with torments and sorrows. She boasts, 'I am queen on my throne. I am no helpless widow. I will not experience sorrow.' Therefore, the sorrows of death and mourning and famine will overtake her in a single day. She will be utterly consumed by fire, for the Lord God who judges her is mighty.' Westin says he doesn't get it. Westin says he means that he understands the city is going to be destroyed by God, but why would that make Rainer want to come there? Rainer smiles. Rainer then says when it says 'Come away from her, my people', he and his group believes that means there will be true followers of God right in New Babylon. Rainer says they couldn't imagine who they would be, and then God placed a desire on their hearts to come there and either join this band of brave fighters or become a part of the biblical history. Judd then asks how many of them came. Rainer says there were thirty-eight altogether. Judd had asked Rainer earlier if any members of his group had been killed. Rainer hadn't wanted to talk about it. Westin says those verses beg some questions. Westin says if God's people are supposed to come out, how are they supposed to do it, and where do they go? Rainer nods. Rainer says he has been thinking about that. Rainer says it's clear God has had enough of the lies and killing of New Babylon, so he's going to destroy this evil city. But, Rainer then says there must be something coming that will signal that it's time for them to leave. Rainer says that's what they have been waiting for. Judd then asks if it is possible to talk with someone else. Judd then asks what is the leader's name again. Rainer then asks "You mean Otto Weser?" for clarification. Judd then says yeah, he might have some ideas. Rainer pursed his lips. Rainer then says they have had no contact for quite a while. Rainer says it's one of their unwritten rules. No one talks with Otto. Judd glances at Westin. There was something behind this Otto business, and Judd wanted to find out what it was.

Meanwhile, Vicki and a few others had gone outside to watch the sun rise early the next morning. As it peeked over the hills in the distance, Vicki could tell the heat and humidity were gone, along with most of the smoke that had hovered over the valley. At noon, Vicki ventures to the knoll above the campground. There is a lot of excitement with the weather change, more news from the Global Community, and activity on the kids' Web site. But the news of Judd makes Vicki want to be alone. It was spring, and the trees in the distance should have been covered with buds and new leaves. Instead, the countryside looks like some burned scar. Something skittered along the ground and startled her. A half-burned tail flicked back and forth on the side of a tree. Vicki saw that it was a squirrel. Vicki doesn't know how he had survived the heat and fires. But here the squirrel was, scampering up a tree with his charred tail. Vicki then whispers to the squirrel, asking it how many friends it has lost in the last few years. She refers to the squirrel as a "little fella". Vicki brings her knees up to her chest. Vicki realizes she and her friends are like this squirrel, foraging, darting into hiding places, hoping to stay alive just one more day. Vicki recalls the verse about God knowing even when a sparrow fell from the sky. But did God know every squirrel, raccoon, and deer that died in the heat plague? Did he see the death and devastation and hear the cries of believers who had been killed? Already the Global Community News Network reported arrests and beheadings. Vicki wonders if Judd will be next. Vicki knew it was against the group's rules to be outside at this time of day, so she stood and started for her cabin. Something was bothering her, and she couldn't put a finger on it. Vicki pauses near a burned tree and hears movement at the bottom of the knoll. Someone was coming up the hill.

A few minutes later, Judd finds Rainer sitting alone in a room set aside for prayer. Several chairs sat in an empty circle, and Judd takes one directly across from the German. Someone had painted a man kneeling in prayer on the wall. On the opposite wall was a painting, torn and weathered, of an old man with a piece of bread in front of him. The old man's hands were folded, and his eyes were shut tightly. Judd thinks the picture looks familiar, then realizes it was the same one that hung in his grandparents' kitchen. Rainer looks up, his eyes cloudy. Rainer says he supposes that Judd wants to know what happened between he and Otto. Judd nods. Judd says Rainer doesn't have to tell him, but it might help him understand. Rainer puts his head back and closes his eyes. Rainer's face was strong and handsome, and his hair reached his shoulders. Judd knows Rainer had been an actor in Germany, but what kind? With his eyes still closed, Rainer speaks. Rainer says when light and dark collide and ignorance takes up the sword against understanding, what is left for weary men to do? Rainer then pauses and opens his eyes. Rainer then says that they, the weary, pick up pieces from the battlefield and live. Judd then asks what that is from. Rainer then says it is a play he was writing at the time of the disappearances. Rainer says it wasn't very good. Judd says it sounded good to him. Rainer smiles. Rainer then asks Judd if he knows what an understudy is. Judd then rhetorically asks if it is a person who's there in case the lead gets sick. Rainer says yes. He then says before the vanishings, he was just an understudy at life. Rainer says he knew all the lines and where to move and what to do onstage, but he was watching from behind some curtain. Rainer says it took the most terrible situation in the world to bring him out of the shadows. Judd asks if he is talking about his relationship with God. Rainer nods. Judd asked Rainer if he had heard about God before the disappearances. Rainer says many times. Rainer says he had an aunt who told his brothers and sisters and him Bible stories. Rainer says she was very dramatic. Rainer says he thinks it was because of her that he wanted to become an actor. Judd asks if Rainer's parents were believers. Rainer says no. Rainer says they were killed in the earthquake. He says on a cruise down the Rhine River, the ship capsized and all but a few drowned. Judd says he's sorry. Rainer sighs. He says he is sorry as well. Rainer says he went to his aunt's house not long after she disappeared and relived some of those stories she used to tell. Rainer still has her Bible. But he says he didn't make his decision to follow God until he stumbled onto Tsion Ben-Judah's Web site. Rainer and his wife prayed the night after they discovered it. Judd asks if Rainer's wife is back in Germany. Rainer closes his eyes. Rainer says no, that she is waiting for him on the other side. Rainer says that sometimes he dreams that he and Gretchen are together on a beach somewhere. Talking. Laughing, Then he wakes up and faces this.

Rainer puts his head in his hands. He says he wishes he could go back and talk to the people they were before the disappearances. Rainer says he would convince them of the truth before any of this happened.

Rainer looks at Judd with tears in his eyes. Rainer says sometimes he wonders if he is here in New Babylon because it's God's will for him. or if he's on a mission of death. Rainer says that if he makes one mistake, he'll be reunited with his wife forever. Judd then asks what happened to her.

Meanwhile, Vicki moves behind the tree and watches as Lionel makes his way toward the knoll. She thought about jumping out and scaring him but decided against it. When he catches his breath, Lionel says that Marshall Jameson sent him up there to see about her. Lionel then asks Vicki if she is okay. Vicki asks Lionel to sit. Vicki says she was up there thinking. Vicki says she likes this place. She says she is going to miss it when she goes to Petra.

Lionel bites his lower lip. He tells Vicki that he's always appreciated what a friend she's been, and he couldn't be happier for her and Judd. Vicki then replies by saying, "But what?". Lionel shakes his head. He says he doesn't know. Maybe God's trying to tell her something. Maybe she shouldn't go to Petra. Maybe Judd shouldn't have gone to New Babylon. Vicki slips an arm around Lionel, and the young man hangs his head. Lionel says that Judd is the best friend he's ever had. He just wishes he would be more careful.

Vicki looks at the sky. It has been weeks since she had seen any real clouds. Now some dark ones moved in and threatened rain. Vicki says she's been thinking a lot about what happens after the Glorious Appearing. She wonders if they'll know each other, if people will get married. She wonders if those who were married before the Rapture will be reunited. Lionel then asks about people like Captain Steele. Lionel says he was married to Mrs. Steele and then married Amanda. What about that? Vicki says she's been looking at Scripture, but she can't figure it out. Vicki says there's got to be an answer. Lionel then asks to why not go right to the top. Lionel then stands. Lionel then says they should get back. Lionel says Vicki can write Dr. Ben-Judah.

Judd listens as Rainer's story unfolds. The man describes how he had met Otto Weser at a secret Bible study. Their first fight with Global Community forces had been in Stuttgart. It was Otto's idea to come into the heart of Carpathia territory, and thirty-seven others had followed.

Rainer says Otto is a verbose man. He rattles on and on. Well, they finally found a way to fly into the desert and take a slow route in separate vehicles. Otto didn't like it. He thought they should all go together, pretending to be GC recruits. There was such a disagreement that many split from the group. About a dozen decided to go a different way.

Judd then says that Rainer went with Otto. Rainer says yes. Rainer says everything seemed fine during the trip. Their plane landed, and they bought an old school bus and started the journey across the desert. Otto was sure God was leading them. They huddled in the back of the bus, praying. Rainer says he and his wife broke away from the others at one point and had their own prayer time. Rainer pulls out his wallet and opens to a picture of a woman with long, dark hair. She looked like a famous actress Judd had seen. Judd says she is very beautiful. Rainer says that, yes, she was. Rainer folds his wallet and puts it away. Rainer then says they were carrying some sophisticated heat weapons, along with machine guns and old AK-47s. It was their plan, if they were stopped, to take out any GC force before they could report them.

They came to an unexpected checkpoint, a surprise from the Global Community. Before they could react, several Peacekeepers had surrounded the bus. They took their positions as Otto got out. They fired all of the heat weapons and the Peacekeepers rolled on the ground, but one of them managed to lob a grenade at the back of the bus.

Judd then asks if the explosion killed Rainer's wife. Rainer says it was a chest wound. Gretchen was in much pain. She said that Rainer should carry on the fight without her. The last thing she said was that she would be waiting for Rainer on the other side.

Judd sits back and shakes his head. He can't imagine the man's pain at seeing his wife die. Judd then asks how many died.

Rainer says his brother, his best friend, and the man's wife were killed in the attack. There was no time to bury them. Rainer says they simply took the GC squad cars and split up. Judd then asks about the other group. Rainer says they made it with no problems. Judd then asks Rainer if he ever talked with Otto about what happened.

Rainer said he was so angry that he couldn't. He said he would never speak to him again. Rainer put his elbows on his knees and leaned forward. Rainer says this is why he says he might be on a mission of death. It is better for him to leave this place than stay. Judd then asks if Rainer really thinks his wife would want him to do that.

Rainer smiles. He says his wife was such a tough lady. Rainer slaps his knees and stands. Rainer says he'll tell Judd his new mission. Rainer says it is to get he and this Vicki girl of his back together. One of the other members of the group rushes into the room. He says it's the GC. They're on this block and headed their way. House to house.

The third chapter begins with Judd watching the people in the hideout go into crisis mode. Judd and Westin stand back as the group seals doors and tries to make it impossible for the GC to enter. Westin says they've placed booby traps around the house, but they're not activated yet. Judd then asks what kind of booby traps are they. Westin says they're explosives and mines. Rainer says they need everyone quiet and in their places. Rainer then instructs Judd and Westin to come with him.

In the lowest point of the basement was a row of computers and machines. The chief technical person, a woman Judd knew only as Helga, manipulated a mechanical arm on the first floor. With a few quick movements she pushed some charred debris over the trapdoor, pulled a tarp over the whole mess, and made the mechanical arm disappear into the floor.

A silence falls over the room as the monitor showed a GC squad car making its way down the street. Peacekeepers carrying rifles followed. Judd then whispers if they're looking for bodies. Rainer then says there is no point in looking for bodies with rifles. Rainer says they may find bodies in the rubble around there, but they're looking for anyone alive without the mark of Carpathia.

The squad car finally pulls in front of the safe house, and several Peacekeepers approached.

Helga turns to Rainer, who was scribbling something on paper. Helga then tells Rainer to wait for her signal.

The Peacekeepers knocked on the sides of the house and called out. A Peacekeeper walked up to the porch and banged the door. Judd can feel his heart beating as he watched. The room grows hotter with all the bodies and equipment.

Judd had felt unnerved by Rainer and the others talking about war and killing. There was quite a difference in being against the Global Community-escaping from them and fighting for the souls of people who had not yet taken the mark-and actually killing Carpathia followers. On the other hand, God was going to judge evil. Judd wanted to hear what Tribulation Force leaders would say. Would they actually shoot to kill and be a part of the final battle?

Judd notices a panel filled with buttons and knobs. Underneath each was a piece of tape with writing. Judd points to it and Westin leans over. Westin says that Helga told him that those buttons and knobs on that panel activate the bombs. Westin then says those over there are for guns hidden in a burned-out part of the roof. Judd asks if they can actually shoot by remote control. Westin nods. But once they start shooting, they give away their position. The GC can come in and wipe them out.

Rainer pushes his way through the gathering and into the hall. He pauses when he comes to Judd and hands him an envelope. Rainer tells Judd to take it. Nothing is written on the envelope. Judd shoves it in his pocket. Rainer taps another man on the shoulder and they were gone. Judd then asks Westin if there is any other way out of there. Westin shrugs. A man beside him leans over. That man says there is an air lock on the other side of the basement that leads into the sewers. That's only to be used as a last resort.

Helga then says there are more officers coming. Helga looks around. Helga then asks where Rainer is.

A buzzer pierces the small room, and a red light blinks on the computer.

Helga turns the alarm off. Helga says the air lock is open. She then says someone's going outside. Judd realizes it's Rainer. Several men rush out of the room. Judd keeps his eyes on the monitor showing the roving Peacekeepers. They poked and prodded through the rubble above. One man pulls the tarp back and notices the scattered debris. Minutes seem like hours. A man returns. The man says Rainer and Klaus are gone. The man then says they've taken several weapons. Judd then asks what Rainer could be doing. Westin points at the screen. Westin then says to watch.

Meanwhile, Vicki is waiting for an answer from Tsion Ben-Judah as the others watch the latest news from GCNN. Because of the intense heat, many television transmissions had been interrupted. During the plague, the kids had usually seen coverage only at night. Now that the plague was over, it was clear the Global Community in the United North American States wanted to show they were back in control.

The sight of Kruno Fulcire turns Vicki's stomach. He had been the man responsible for her friend Pete Davidson's death, as well as hundreds of other believers who had fallen into the man's clutches. It was almost as if the military and political leaders around the world were having a contest to see who could kill believers faster.

Fulcire had chosen to be photographed near a small lake behind one of the many GC headquarters. A fountain sprayed water into the air, and Vicki can't help but smirk as Fulcire beams at the applause at the press corps. Zeke Zuckermandel Jr. says it looks like he's got water shooting out his head. Conrad Graham says it wouldn't hurt Fulcire's brain any. Conrad then adds that he probably doesn't have one. Marshall then suggests that they should keep it quiet. Fulcire has no notes, charts, or graphs. He simply stands at the podium and smiles. Fulcire then says what a beautiful day it is. Laughter ripples through the crowd. Fulcire then adds that every day is a great day to serve the risen lord Carpathia.

There were enough followers of Nicolae present to break into a hearty rendition of "Hail Carpathia", but Fulcire sang off-key. When they finished, Fulcire grabbed the microphone and began pacing. Fulcire then says the end of this unnatural weather phenomenon comes at a most important time. Fulcire says they believe the United North American States can and will become the most loyal region in all the world. And to do that, they need the help of citizens who have already given so much. Janie McCanyon smirks and says she thinks she knows what Fulcire is leading up to. Janie then adds it won't be good for believers. Fulcire beams, as if Carpathia is watching. Fulcire then says since they can once again move around in daylight hours, they would like everyone watching to report any citizen who has not yet complied with receiving the mark of their lord and risen king. Anyone discovering an unmarked civilian will receive triple the reward previously offered. Conrad sarcastically says it's great and remarks that the price for their heads just went up. Zeke says to think of all the Nicks they could make if they turned everybody there in.

Mark then sticks his head in the room and motions for Vicki. Mark says she has an answer to her message to Tsion. Vicki hurries to the computer on the other side of the room and pulled up Tsion's e-mail. That the man would answer her personally excited Vicki. In his e-mail, Tsion addresses Vicki and thanks her for her question about what will happen in the coming kingdom. As they draw nearer to that time, now only a year away, many people have the same concerns, so Vicki has spurred Tsion to teach more about this there in Petra. Tsion then tells Vicki to let him quickly give her some thoughts. Tsion writes that Jesus said that people would be "marrying and giving in marriage" during the Tribulation just as they did during the days before the Flood. Tsion writes to Vicki to see Matthew 24:37-39. But Tsion then writes as Vicki knows, many who become believers after the Rapture will be martyred for the cause of Christ and will be resurrected after the Glorious Appearing. Tsion writes that many others will survive the Tribulation and be "the sheep" Jesus referred to in Matthew 25:31-40 who go into the kingdom to populate the Millennium, or thousand-year reign of Christ. Tsion writes that these, of course, will raise their children and possibly help with the raising of other children who survive but are under the age of accountability when Christ returns. Tsion then writes that the story of the rich man in hell and Lazarus who was a believer is quite clear. Tsion then writes to Vicki to see Luke 16:19-31 for reference. Tsion writes in the next life they will still recognize not only those they knew on earth, but as Lazarus, he recognized Abraham who had lived hundreds of years before him. Even those in torment recognized those in paradise. That would indicate they all will recognize one another in the next life. Tsion tells Vicki to remember that Paul said ,"For me to depart and be with Christ is far better." So they will have an even better relationship then than they do now.

Tsion writes that he knows Vicki still has Judd on her mind, and believe him, he is praying for them both. Whether God allows them to marry or not isn't the question. The question is, will she trust him for her future? God can use her in the kingdom after the Glorious Appearing, or he can use her in heaven. Trust God to be faithful. Tsion then signs off. As Kruno Fulcire finishes his press conference, a wave of hope washes over Vicki like a waterfall. Judd was in God's hands. Their possible marriage was too. And all believers from Wisconsin to the remote parts of the world. No matter how much money the Global Community offered or how creative the GC could get trying to catch unmarked civilians, the believers still had God's protection.

Meanwhile, Judd watches the screens carefully for any sign of Rainer and Klaus. Judd hopes they will come to their senses and turn around, but Judd gasps when a manhole cover moves in the middle of the street a block away. Weapons plop on the ground, and Rainer and Klaus crawl onto the street. Helga grits her teeth. She then asks what in the world Rainer and Klaus are doing. A man to Judd's left shakes his head. The man says as Rainer likes to say, life is a temporary assignment. Helga then says Rainer is going to make it a lot more temporary if he doesn't get out of there quickly. Rainer and Klaus move behind a burned-out car. Automatic weapons fire sounded, and the two were up and running. The GC squad, at least a dozen officers strong, rounded the corner. Rainer fired over their heads. Judd says that Rainer could have killed several of those officers. Judd then asks why Rainer didn't do that. Westin says that maybe he's not trying to kill them. Westin then says that maybe he's trying to get them away from them. Helga quickly switches to another camera showing that the area around the safe house is clear. She points to Judd and Westin and looks at the older man to her left. Helga then says to take them to number two. Westin says they're not leaving. Westin says they'll stay and fight with the rest of them. Helga looks hard at Westin. Helga says she's not arguing. Helga says Westin is the only pilot there. Helga then points to Judd and says that he has a fiancée waiting. She tells them to go. The older man leads Judd and Westin to the secret exit, and they climbed into a large tunnel. The man sticks out his hand. The man introduces himself as Gunther Carr. They walk west, away from the house, through stagnant water. Gunfire erupts again above them, and GC officers' yells echo in the cavern. Judd whispers what number two is. Gunther says it is an underground bunker. Gunther says it's dark and stinks down there, but at least they'll be safe. More gunfire. Judd prays for Rainer and Klaus. He has no idea if he will ever see them again.

The fourth chapter begins with Judd and Westin spending the night alone in the underground chamber. They are anxious to know what has happened to their friends but don't dare go into the tunnel. The maze of pipes leading from their area made it nearly impossible to go back without someone leading them. Judd asks what will happen if the GC find the house and everyone is killed. Westin shrugs and paces the room like a nervous animal. Gunther had shown them where to find food and flashlights, but they felt trapped with no contact with the outside world. Judd's phone didn't work in the enclosed space, and there was no computer hookup. Westin finds a small

Characters in The Perils of Love[]

Original Members of The Young Tribulation Force[]

Other Members of The Young Tribulation Force[]

Other Believers[]

Global Community[]




