Stanley "Stan" Barber is a tribulation saint that lived in Atlanta, Georgia. He was the first believer to be singled out by Dr. Neal Damosa during the meeting of the satellite schools.
After the Rapture[]
At an unknown point during the Tribulation, Stan became a believer. He started attending a secret church in Atlanta and later decided to infiltrate the meeting of the Global Community Satellite Schools. Dr. Neal Damosa discovered that Stan was a believer and Stan was called up to the stage in Atlanta, in front of the other teenagers to watch. Mark Eisman thought Stan looked 17 years old. Mark Eisman watched as Dr. Neal Damosa started asking Stan some questions, to which Stan replied with one-word and two-word answers. Damosa then asked, "What did you think of Potentate Carpathia's message today?" Stan then replied, "Well, I suppose it was about like any other message by him." Damosa then asked, "Do you think it was good, bad, somewhere in between?" When Stan refused to answer that question, Damosa then accused him of being a follower of Tsion Ben-Judah. Stan sweated nervously as Damosa revealed Stan's address, his phone number, his e-mail address, and gave information about the secret church Stan attended each week. Stan was then arrested by the Global Community. During the satellite broadcast, another believer in Cleveland, Deborah Mardy, was exposed in a similar way.
Carl Meninger later revealed to Mark Eisman that most of the believers that were singled out at the meetings of the Global Community satellite schools were able to escape when the horses and riders attacked in the latest judgment. This means that it is very likely that Stan was able to escape Global Community custody. If Stan did escape, it is unknown what happened to him afterwards.
Stan seemed to be like every other believer that lived during the Tribulation period. He was timid and unprepared to address Dr. Neal Damosa when questioned by him.
- 23. Horsemen of Terror (only appearance)
- Stan's only appearance was in book 23.
- Stan does not appear in the dramatic audio presentation.
- Stan is the only male believer that solely appears in the Left Behind: The Kids series that did not interact with any of the members of the Young Tribulation Force, other than Perryn Madeleine.