Left Behind Wiki

Samuel "Sam" Goldberg is a supporting character in the Left Behind: The Kids series and one of the members of The Young Tribulation Force. He was a neighbor of Tsion Ben-Judah until the latter was exiled from Israel. He is the author of the Petra Diaries and the YTF contact in Israel. Through those diaries, Sam would describe his experiences when he was living in Petra during the second half of the Tribulation and give suggestions to people on how to reconcile with God.


Sam made his first appearance in book 7, as a neighbor of Rabbi Tsion Ben-Judah and his family. Sam, known as Samuel back then, lost his mother when she was raptured. Sam's father was devoted to Nicolae Carpathia. In book 7, Sam and his father helped Tsion's stepchildren, Nina and Dan, and their new friend, Judd Thompson Jr., go through a passageway that connected the Ben-Judah house and Goldberg residence.

In book 8, Sam doesn't make a physical appearance, but Nina mentions that Sam and his father stopped helping Nina and Dan leave the Ben-Judah house after Tsion Ben-Judah's public speeches and Sam's whole neighborhood was under suspicion. Judd invited Nina and Dan to America, but they didn't act quickly enough. While Judd Thompson and Ryan Daley were helping Maxwell Stahley and his family, Sam watched as unnamed hooded thugs dragged Mrs. Ben-Judah, Nina, and Dan out of their house and into their street and demanded to know about Tsion Ben-Judah's location. All three of them refused to tell them and were shot to death with automatic weapons as a result, with Dan notably spitting in the leader's face when he took off his mask for a few seconds. Sam's video camera shot the entire scene. When Sam introduced himself to Judd in book 10, Sam showed Judd the videotape. When Mr. Goldberg entered the house and called for Samuel, Sam gave Judd the videotape as Judd left the Goldberg residence. The tape would later be destroyed as the killers of the Ben-Judah family were brought to justice at the hands of Eli and Moishe. Judd later sees Sam after the Meeting of the Witnesses in book 18. Lionel and Sam met each other for the first time then. Sam became a believer after talking with Lionel over the phone.

After Sam became a believer, Sam tried to get his father to believe too. Mr. Goldberg refused to believe and was killed during the sixth trumpet judgment. Sam was very heartbroken about his father's death during the remainder of the series. Sam developed feelings for Naomi Tiberias, but Naomi did not reciprocate those feelings, instead choosing to be in a romantical relationship with Chang Wong. Sam started his own online diary when he was in Petra called the Petra Diaries. Sam was captured by the Global Community in book 35 along with Mitchell Stein and would have been sent to a Jewish extermination camp because of his ancestry and nationality, in addition to his refusal of Carpathia's mark. An angel helped Sam and Mitchell Stein to escape though. Sam helped Lev Taubman and his mother become believers. Sam would later go on to be one of the 12 Young Tribulation Force members to survive to the Glorious Appearing, and was in Petra when it happened.


Left Behind: The Kids

Left Behind series


Left Behind: The Kids

