Otto Weser was a German woodsman who became a believer and a member of the Tribulation Force. He led a cell group of believers into New Babylon, where they lived in hiding until the plague of darkness from the fifth Bowl Judgment fell upon the city. Since the believers had limited visibility whereas those who had taken the "mark of loyalty" and worshiped Carpathia's image were completely blind, Otto and the believers had free reign to move around as long as nobody else could hear them. Otto helped believers escape the city prior to its destruction near the end of the Tribulation.
According to The Perils of Love, he encouraged thirty-seven others to join him to live in New Babylon.
- Otto was responsible for the mission in which Rainer Kurtzmann's wife was killed. Because of that, Rainer and Otto never spoke to each other again. Otto would find out about Rainer's death from Judd Thompson Jr. in the 38th book of the Left Behind: The Kids series, The Perils of Love.
- Otto is a German name that translates into "wealthy".
- The Weser is the name of a river in Lower Saxony in north-west Germany.