Nicolae High is the fifth book in the Left Behind: The Kids series, by Jerry B. Jenkins, Tim LaHaye, with contributions from Chris Fabry. It was originally released in September of 1999. This novella along with three others were later released in the compilation volume, Pursued (Left Behind: The Kids).
Plot introduction[]
Synopsis retrieved from back of the book.
A new challenge faces Judd Thompson Jr., Vicki Byrne, Ryan Daley, and Lionel Washington. They must take their newfound faith to the classrooms of Global Community Middle School and Nicolae Carpathia High School.
Danger awaits them. Should they obey the authorities, who outlaw carrying Bibles or even talking about God? Should they risk everything and speak the truth to their friends? Who can they trust?
Plot summary[]
The first chapter begins with Judd Thompson Jr. being stunned. The reason why he is stunned is because Vicki Byrne is gone. Judd demands to know where she is. Lionel Washington and Ryan Daley look up from their spots before the television. Ryan shrugs and says there is a note by the phone. Judd grabs the note and reads that Vicki is hitching to Michigan to see Bub and that she will be back soon. Judd slaps the note on his thigh and catches himself before he swears. What was Judd so mad about? This was his fault. Vicki had asked Judd to drive her to see her brother Eddie's friend Beryl Gaylor. Judd refused, telling her he felt responsible for Lionel and Ryan and had better stay with them. Vicki asked him to let them ride along. Judd declines, telling her the roads are just starting to reopen. He says they don't really know where they're going. Judd says there are rumors school is going to open again, and he would hate to be out of state if that happened. Vicki then asks Judd why he is going back to school and he says because they have to. Vicki then tells him if that if they don't show up to school, the authorities will figure that they disappeared with thousands of others. Vicki then tells them they have only seven years to live, and that it seems pointless to spend half of that time in school trying to prepare for a future that didn't exist. Judd was a junior, but Vicki was only a freshman. School did seem like a waste of time, but Judd didn't know about what he thought about breaking the law by refusing to go. Judd assumes that he and Vicki would go back to Prospect High School, while Lionel and Ryan would go back to Lincoln Junior High School.
Judd underestimated how desperate Vicki was to find Bub. She never met Bub. She only had seen pictures of Bub and talked to him on the phone on the morning of the Rapture. Bub had confirmed to Vicki that Eddie had disappeared. Vicki said she was having trouble reaching Bub by phone and that she wants to go find him. Judd thought it was a bad idea and said it was. Judd admits that he misses Vicki. The reason why that of the other three kids, it is easier for Judd to talk to Vicki. Judd is worried about her. Judd liked having Vicki around because she handled arguments between Lionel and Ryan. Judd admits that suddenly worrying about other kids in his home seemed too bizarre.
Meanwhile, Vicki worries that she made a mistake when she catches the attention of the driver of an eighteen-wheeler. She was hoping that a family, couple, or woman would give her a ride. But when she approaches the passenger door, she is horrified to see that two men are in the truck. The passenger of the truck says Vicki can sit right between the two of them. The driver then says that they would take a lady like her anywhere she wants to go. Vicki was wondering how far it is to Mount Prospect. She knows there is no way she'd ride with these two. The passenger said she knows well where it is and that she had her thumb out. The passenger then asks where to. Vicki then says nowhere. Vicki then begins to step back down. Vicki drops to the ground and tries to run away. The passenger chases after Vicki while she silently criticizes herself for being so stupid. The passenger is gaining on Vicki when another truck rolls up the side of the road, skidding up dust. Vicki found herself next to the passenger door of that vehicle as it flew open. Vicki is relieved to find out the driver of the second vehicle is alone and older, presumably in his sixties. The man tells Vicki she ought to be careful, hitchhiking by herself these days. The passenger that was chasing Vicki heads back to his own truck. Vicki leaps aboard into the second truck. The old trucker asks where she is going and she says she is going to Michigan. Vicki notices a cross dangling from the CB radio mounted above the dashboard. The man responds by saying he can get her as far as Michigan City, Indiana. The man asks her how that would be and Vicki says its an answer to prayer. The man pulls back onto the road and manages to get it in the right lane. Deacon then asks Vicki if she said that just to get next to him because she saw his crucifix, or if she really is a woman of prayer. Vicki then says she is now. The man introduces himself as Deacon. He says he is a little zealous. Deacon asks Vicki if she is a believer and she says she is. Vicki tells Deacon her whole history before he reaches the state line. Static is heard on the radio and Deacon tells Vicki that he liked to preach over the citizens' band radio. Numerous drivers were scared and curious since the vanishings. Deacon then starts telling Vicki his story. He says his mother told him about her beliefs every day of her life. Deacon blamed God because his mother married the wrong man. Deacon hated his father for the way he treated he and his mother until the day he died. Deacon always thought she deserved better than a man like that. Deacon quit going to church fifty years prior and never went back. Despite that, Deacon's mother continued sending verses, prayers, and letters until her death two years prior. Deacon almost became a Christian at her funeral, but he thought he would have too much apologizing to do, given the fact that he has three former wives. His last wife became a Christian about six months after she ended her relationship with Deacon. She wanted to come back and straighten out Deacon's life, but he didn't want any part of it. When the disappearances occurred, Deacon found Janice's waitress clothes, and that made him become a believer. Vicki says the disappearances also motivated her to become a believer. It caused her to quit drinking and smoking too. Deacon laughs because Vicki doesn't strike her as the type to be living the hard life. Vicki replies by telling him he should have seen her a few weeks ago. Vicki eventually tells Deacon of her plan to find Bub. Deacon tells Vicki that he wants to make sure she catches a ride with somebody he knows and trusts. Vicki thanks him.
Meanwhile, Judd is at his house, wishing that Vicki had told him she was going with or without him. He would have at least made her promise to call him once in a while so he'd know she was all right. Judd wonders how he'll get word to Vicki about school. Judd noticed that loudspeakers were blaring Friday night, informing students to tune in certain radio and TV emergency-broadcast stations. These broadcasts would reveal details about school. Lionel and Ryan start arguing and Judd tells them both to knock it off. Lionel expresses disgust about the news that school is going to be re-opening. Lionel and Ryan both confirm that they go to Lincoln Junior High School and Lionel expresses gratitude that he and Ryan are not in the same classes. Judd silences them as the names of the junior high school scrolled past. The three boys find out that the name of Lincoln Junior High School has been changed to Global Community Middle School. Lionel apparently flinches because he liked going to school named after a great president. The phone rings and Ryan says he'll get it. Judd watches as now the high schools are being listed. But the station did more than just list the openings. Film footage of the changing of the sign of Prospect High was shown on the station. Ryan says the phone is for Judd. But Judd is too busy focused on the television as he watches the sign of Prospect High be changed to Nicolae Carpathia High School. The sports mascot would also be changed from the Knights to the Doves. Ryan whines and says that Bruce wants to speak to him on the phone.
The second chapter begins with Bruce Barnes asking if Judd has been watching the news. Judd that he has been watching it, unfortunately. Bruce asks him if he understands what's going on. Judd rhetorically asks him what is to understand and that school starts a week from tomorrow at Nicolae Carpathia High. Bruce laughs, thinking Judd is being sarcastic, and says it may come to that. Judd tells him he was serious and informs him of the school announcements. Bruce says he is not surprised that the name of Lincoln has been changed to Global Community as it is going to happen everywhere with the emphasis on a one-world government. Bruce then says that they'll want to remove nationalism and make everything planet orientated. Bruce then expresses amazement that schools are already being named after Carpathia. Judd says he thought Bruce was calling to make sure he knew school was back on. Bruce says no, that Judd caught that before he did. Bruce says he just finished a meeting with the adult core group he told Judd about, also known as the Tribulation Force. Judd asks if it is the pilot and his daughter. Bruce replies saying that the magazine writer is also a member. Bruce then says they had not heard the big international news that day, and Bruce wanted to make sure Judd heard it. Bruce says he has to prepare his Sunday sermons tomorrow morning, but he wondered if the four kids would come to his office early so they could talk about it. Judd says three of them can and asks what's the news. Bruce then says Carpathia is making himself unavailable for several days while he and his top people work on what he refers to as an 'understanding' between the global community and Israel, and a special arrangement between the UN and the United States. Judd then asks what that means. Bruce says that's what he would like to talk about to the Kids Tribulation Force. Judd then asks to just call it the Young Tribulation Force. Bruce says sure and then asks who can't make it. Judd then tells Bruce where Vicki is and is met with silence on the phone. Bruce finally says this is not going to work. Judd feels his neck flush and asks what's not going to work. Bruce then replies with him being in charge of these kids. Bruce then starts by saying if he can't control these kids, consequences might occur. Judd interrupts by blurting that controlling them is not his job. All he did was give them a place to stay. Judd then says he isn't their parent. Judd also says he can't tell them what to do. Bruce then tells Judd to listen to him. Bruce then says he feels responsible for the Young Tribulation Force too. This is because he knows them and knows where they are. Bruce says they would never get away with living along at their ages if the world wasn't in the middle of a crisis. Bruce says if the police wasn't so busy, they'd never stand for this. Bruce says he ought to call them and have them watch for Vicki, and if they don't have the manpower, he should be out looking for her himself. Bruce then asks, "Where she is headed?" Judd says he is not sure. Judd then says that Bruce isn't responsible for the Young Tribulation Force. He says they don't answer to him, and they don't have to do what he says. Judd mockingly then asks what Bruce is going to do. Judd then rhetorically asks, "Tell on us? What kind of friend is that?". Judd couldn't believe that he is talking that way to a man that he admired and respected as much as he did Bruce Barnes, as the latter led all four kids to God and treated all four of the kids with respect. But Judd didn't like to be lectured or told what to do. Judd senses he has hurt Bruce, who is silent on the phone again. Bruce finally says that he would like to think he's their pastor. Judd feels guilty when he hears the emotion in Bruce's voice. Judd realizes that he had broken Bruce's heart, and he should apologize to the latter. Judd didn't have much experience with that, but he knew he would have to get around to it sometime soon. Bruce then asks Judd and the other YTF members to come early the following morning so he can tell them his interpretation on what is currently happening. Judd agrees, trying to sound encouraging and apologetic. Judd then asks Bruce how early. Bruce tells Judd to come as early as eight because the former has sermon preparation. Judd then says they'll be there, all of them who are there anyway. Bruce then asks Judd if he doesn't mind telling the younger ones what to do, and Judd realizes he had been caught in his own weak logic.
Meanwhile, Vicki is with Deacon as the latter looks at his watch. She is aware that they had been getting puzzled stares from other truckers as they ate at the counter in the truck stop. Deacon insists on paying, although Vicki told him she had borrowed an abundance of money from Judd. Deacon then tells her to not be saying that too loud either. The reason why he tells her that is because she wouldn't want anybody knowing she's carrying a lot of cash. A man named Claud tells Deacon to keep on preaching. Deacon then asks Claud if he is running to Michigan that night. Claud apologizes and says he isn't, then asks what is up. Deacon tells Claud he is looking for a ride for Vicki and that he can't let her ride with just anybody. Claud then rhetorically asks that he would trust him with Vicki. Claud says he is flattered and that she can ride with him if he wants to see Pennsylvania. Otherwise, he can't help her. Vicki thanks him anyway. Deacon checks the time again and says he's got to get going soon. Deacon then asks if Vicki's "boyfriend" had wheels. Vicki nodded and said Judd is not her boyfriend. Deacon then says that he took her and the other two in, so he's a good friend. Vicki then says he could say that. Deacon then asks Vicki to do her a favor. She says it depends. Deacon says he wants Vicki to call her friend and have him come get her. Deacon says to hear him out and that he doesn't think it was an accident that she wound up riding in his truck tonight. Deacon thinks that God put them together to protect her. Vicki says she can take care of herself. Deacon replies that even he can't take care of himself, and he calls himself a big, ugly, old man. Deacon then rhetorically asks what kind of trouble Vicki could get herself into out there. Deacon then says he has to go, but he won't leave until he knows Vicki has a ride home. Deacon promises to check with some people he knows, people in law enforcement who can track down Bub and make sure he's all right. Vicki then says she needs to talk to Bub face-to-face. She says Bub treats him like a little girl and will not listen to her on the phone. Vicki says if she were right there, Bub couldn't just blow her off. Bub then says one of these days when he knows far in advance that he's going to Michigan from the west, he'll let Vicki know and she can go with him. Vicki sits back and stares at Deacon. She then asks if he'd do that for her and Deacon nods and asks what's a brother for.
Shifting to Judd's perspective, he is relieved to hear from Vicki. He is so relieved that he doesn't even mind the trip in the middle of the night to get her. He is not happy, to discover that she had given their phone number to Deacon. Judd knows Deacon seems like a harmless and wonderful old guy, but it was hard to tell who was for real these days. Judd is stony on the ride home. Vicki badgers him to find out what was wrong. Judd then says Bruce says this isn't working. Judd then says when she pulls a stunt like this, he wonders if Bruce might be right. Vicki then shakes her head as if she is frustrated and angry. She then suggests to Judd to kick her out of the house. She says that they don't answer to Bruce, or at least she doesn't. She then says she doesn't answer to Judd either. Vicki says she's grateful for all Judd has done, but he's not her mom or dad. Judd then says she didn't obey them either, and he knows he has gone too far that time. Judd then adds that she told him that herself, just to make the situation better.
The third chapter begins with Vicki expressing disbelief in herself. Vicki believes she made Judd say something crueler than he had intended. The worst of it was that Vicki realized he was right. She was starting to talk to Judd and about Bruce the same way she had talked to and about her parents. Yet now she missed them with an ache so deep with the knowledge that it would not be soothed until she saw them again. Bruce had taught the four kids about having to deal with their old selves. She was now discovering what he meant. Vicki had tolerated the bickering between Lionel and Ryan, passing that off as childishness and blaming it on their ages. But she knows that she and Judd should have known better. How could they let their old natures take over after all God, and Bruce, had done for them? What had the encounter with Deacon been all about if not God showing her that he would protect her even when she did something stupid? Vicki knew she had felt powerful and free when she started out, walking from the house out of the neighborhood and onto the main roads leading to the expressway. But then fear and foreboding had overtaken her, and she felt tense every second. Only when she finally saw Judd and was safely in his car and on the way back to the house did she realize how afraid she had been.
Vicki opens her mouth to say something, but Judd beats her to it. Judd apologizes to her and says he shouldn't have said that. Judd says he doesn't know why he does that. Judd says he cares about Vicki, and that is all. Judd really thought it was a bad idea for Vicki to go to Michigan at all, but if he had known she was going to do it anyway, he would have taken her. Vicki then asks if he really would have done that. Judd says that of course he would have and that he wasn't able to sleep or do anything, as he was wondering about her and worrying about her. Vicki puts a hand on his arm and says he's sounding more and more like a parent all the time. Judd smiles and says he knows. Judd also says he can't believe it. Vicki feels Judd tense under her touch and quickly pulls her hand away. She doesn't want to give Judd the wrong idea. She appreciated and liked Judd. But getting interested in him that way would be a mistake. Vicki apologizes to Judd. Vicki says she feels rotten when she acts so selfish. Vicki still thinks she had the right idea, in wanting to find Bub. Vicki believes that God genuinely put that in her heart. But going herself was just trying to show Judd or something, Vicki isn't completely sure. Vicki says she feels this desperation to tell everybody about God. Vicki says there's been enough death. She also says she believes that nobody should still wonder what the disappearances were all about. Judd says he knows. He then says maybe this Deacon guy can get Vicki in touch with Bub somehow. Judd says she'll get her chance. Vicki says she hopes so. Judd then tells her about the school announcements. Vicki then says that sure seems like a waste of time. Vicki then rhetorically asks Judd if he is going to feel squirrelly, sitting in school while the rest of the world is dying. Judd nods but doesn't say anything. Vicki then asks, "What?". Vicki then rhetorically asks if he doesn't agree. Vicki then asks what they will be studying, and why? Vicki says she was never that good a student. She also says she needed that diploma to get any kind of job. Vicki says school was all about the future. She then says that now there is no future like that, so there is no point. Judd is still quiet, and Vicki is intrigued. It doesn't seem like Judd agrees with Vicki. Vicki then asks Judd if he is going back to school. Judd nods. Vicki then asks if Judd is going to be a Carpathia dove. Judd says he'll never be that. But he does say he is going to go. Vicki then asks if he minds saying why. Judd then says for the same reasons she is talking about. Vicki then asks if he is referring to the future. Judd nods. Vicki then rhetorically asks that he would agree he'll be studying subjects he'll never use. Vicki then says that whatever job he'll have will have nothing to do with what he will learn in high school now. Judd nods again. Vicki senses herself getting mad again. She then asks why he should waste his time. Judd says he already told her. Judd then says the future. He says everyone at that high school needs to know what they know. Judd says she'd rather be out telling everyone about God, but what about all those kids they'll see everyday? Judd says those kids were left behind just like they were. Judd says they'll probably meet some believers, but he'll bet not many. Vicki then asks if they will be allowed to tell them about God, especially if Carpathia is the Antichrist. Vicki says she can't imagine anyone letting them do that in a building named after the guy himself. Vicki then asks what kind of sense does it make that they go to a school with that name? Judd then pulls into the driveway. He says it is going to seem weird. He says he doesn't guess he'll be buying a varsity jacket. Judd tells Vicki about the morning meeting with Bruce. Judd then lets Vicki out of the car before pulling into the garage. She thanks Judd for coming to get her and that she didn't deserve it. Judd jokingly says she's grounded. Vicki is too tired to smile.
Judd finds himself unable to sleep. Judd wanders into his father's den. The latest monster computer sat in the den. Judd and his siblings used to play games on that computer and surf the Net. Judd pulls the dustcover off and fires up the machine. Judd is stunned to see how many advertisements he finds for people with schemes on how to get rich in light of the global mess. One ghastly web site ensures a listing of everybody who had died or disappeared. Judd spends an hour on this website. He pulls up names of his own family members and other acquaintances to see how accurate the site is. Judd's parents are listed as having disappeared. Ryan's parents are listed as known dead. Vicki's parents are listed as killed in a trailer fire. Judd knows that is not true but he also knows that it would be impossible to prove. Judd wants to look up Bub for Vicki, but that is not enough information for him. Bub is obviously not his first name, but even if it was, Judd never heard his last name. Vicki obviously knew it. though. This is because Vicki gave Deacon enough information that the latter was sure he could track down Eddie Byrne's friend. Judd is amazed to see how late it is. He had promised Bruce he would bring at least Lionel and Ryan to church in the morning, and Judd knows Vicki would be a pleasant surprise for Bruce.
Later, the phone awakens Judd, and he is startled to notice the time is 8:10 AM. Judd groans, "Oh, no", with the knowledge the caller would be Bruce. Judd is right about his deduction and he apologizes to Bruce, promising to get everybody rounded up and over to the church as fast as he could. Judd explains that he had been up late when he was going to get Vicki. Bruce says at least that is good news. Bruce then says to please respect his schedule so he can get to his sermon preparation when he needs to. Judd scolds Lionel and Ryan for not getting him up, but they, of course, blame each other. Vicki is sitting at the table in the kitchen and says he never told her when the meeting was. Vicki says she's ready when Judd is. Twenty minutes later, after Judd's shower, they all piled into the car. Judd is not surprised that Bruce is perturbed when they arrived. Bruce doesn't lecture them. But he does say that he was willing to have a regular meeting time every other day and that they would be expected to be there on time and ready to study. Bruce says there's so much for them to learn. He also says that if the four kids are going back to school, they would be in the minority there. Bruce says it won't be easy. Bruce prays and then opened his Bible. Before he said anything, he takes a deep breath and seems to be on the verge of tears. Bruce says he feels a tremendous responsibility for all of them. Bruce says he knows they don't want him to. They want to be independent and not answer to anyone. Bruce says they're all that way. Bruce interjects by saying it's nothing but pride and selfishness. Bruce says that according to what he believes in the Bible, since he is their pastor, he is also their shepherd. Bruce says that doesn't make him their parent. Bruce says is they want to be in the church and in the Young Tribulation Force, their responsibility is to respect his authority over them. Bruce says that it is not easy for him, either. Bruce is not used to it yet himself. Bruce is trying to run this church. Bruce says he is also spending most of his days and evenings studying the Bible and commentaries so he can try to explain to them and everyone else what is going on.
Judd interjects, adding what is to come as well. Bruce concurs and says he feels the press of God on him. Bruce says it's hard. Bruce says he knows he's not the only one who feels it. Bruce says they're all hurting, they've all lost people, and they've all missed the truth. Bruce says he doesn't want to lay this all on them, but his house is so big and so cold and so lonely without his family that sometimes he doesn't even go home at night. Bruce says he studies there until he falls asleep, and he goes home in the morning only to clean up and change and get back to the church. Judd doesn't know what to say. He hasn't seen Bruce like this. One thing is for sure, Judd won't let anybody be late to these meetings again. Bruce says one of the things he had never been good at was reading the Bible every day. Bruce says he pretended to be a believer and a so-called full-time Christian worker, but he didn't care about the Bible. Now Bruce can't get enough of it. Bruce says sometimes he sits drinking in scripture for hours, losing track of time, weeping and praying, forgetting to eat. Sometimes he just slips from his chair and falls to his knees, calling out to God to make it clear to him. Bruce says what's most frightening and thrilling is that he's doing just that. Vicki is riveted, and she can tell even the younger boys are too. They hadn't seen Bruce like this. Something is weighing on him, and it had nothing to do with the fact the Young Tribulation Force was late that Saturday morning. Bruce says he needs their prayers. Bruce says he believes God is showing him things, impressing truth on him that he can barely keep quiet about. Yet if Bruce says these things publicly, he will be ridiculed and might even be in danger. Vicki asks him, "Like What?". Bruce steps to the corner of his desk and sat on it, towering over the kids. Bruce says they all know Nicolae Carpathia is the Antichrist. He says even if the story Cameron Williams told them about Carpathia's supernatural hypnotic power and his murder of those two men was not true, even though Bruce obviously believes it is, there's still plenty of evidence against him. Bruce says Carpathia fits the prophecies. Bruce says Carpathia is deceptive. He also says the latter is charming. Bruce says that people are drawn to Carpathia and are flocking to support him. Bruce says Carpathia has been thrust into power, seemingly against his own wishes. Bruce says Carpathia has been pushing a one-world government, a one-world money system, a treaty with Israel, moving the UN to Babylon. Bruce says that alone proves it. Vicki's ears perked up at the mention of the treaty with Israel. Vicki asks for clarification by saying, "He's said that? On the news, I mean?". Vicki then asks if that is the start of the seven-year Tribulation. Bruce nods. Bruce says that on the previous day, his spokesman said Carpathia would be unavailable for several days while he conducted strategic high-level meetings. Vicki then asks if he said what they would be about. Bruce then says that that spokesman said Carpathia felt obligated to move quickly to unite the world in a move towards peace. Carpathia's having nations destroy 90 percent of their weaponry and donate the remaining 10 percent to the UN in Babylon. Carpathia has renamed it to New Babylon. Carpathia is also pushing the international money people to settle on one form of currency for the whole world. And he wants all the religions of the world to unite as one big group that tolerates everybody's beliefs. Bruce is guessing they'll see a one-world religion. At this moment, Vicki's mind is reeling. It had been like that since the day of the disappearances. At times she still wonders if this was some crazy nightmare. In an instant she had gone from being a rebellious teenager to being a fanatical believer in God. Vicki wants to press Bruce, to ask him about this treaty. That would obviously be proof, if nothing else was, but how did Bruce know? Vicki doesn't want to interrupt him. Bruce says that all he knows is that the closer he gets to God and the more he gets into the Bible, the deeper the burden seems on his shoulders. Bruce says the world needs to know it is being deceived. Bruce says he feels an urgency to preach about God everywhere, not just here. Bruce says this church is full of frightened people, and that they're hungry for God. Bruce says they're trying to meet that need, but more trouble is coming. When Bruce pauses, Vicki jumps in, asking about the treaty. Vicki asks if Carpathia has really announced a treaty. Bruce looks at Vicki and nods. Bruce says the news that got to him the previous day was the announcement that the next major order of business for Carpathia is what he calls 'an understanding' between the Global Community and Israel. Bruce doesn't know what form it will take or what the benefit will be to the Holy Land, but clearly this is the seven-year treaty. Bruce says if that announcement says anything about a promise from Carpathia that Israel will be protected over the next seven years, it officially ushers in the Tribulation.
The fourth chapter begins with Ryan asking if they can go soon. The reason why Ryan asks this is because he has no idea what they are talking about. Lionel tells Ryan to figure it out and calls him "short stuff". Lionel says it's only the end of the world. Bruce leans forward and says he understands that Lionel and Ryan haven't been getting along. Bruce asks Lionel if he knows this stuff better than Ryan. Lionel says "Of course, doesn't everybody?". Bruce asks Lionel if that is Ryan's fault. Lionel says no and that he was raised in church while Ryan wasn't. Bruce then asks Lionel if Ryan is not stupid or a dummy. Lionel replies that he isn't unless he doesn't want to learn. Bruce says he thinks Ryan does want to learn, especially if he understands what they're talking about. Bruce says Lionel should teach Ryan. Lionel then asks why he should be the one teaching Ryan. Bruce then says that Lionel is closest to Ryan's age. Bruce says Ryan listens to Lionel whether the latter thinks so or not. Bruce says it's important that Lionel is positive. Bruce says Ryan acts like he is mad at Lionel, and sometimes maybe Ryan doesn't like Lionel because he keeps putting him down. But Bruce says Ryan needs Lionel, and would look up to Lionel if he treated him better. Lionel looks down, and Judd hopes Bruce is getting through to him. It is a good idea for Lionel to be Ryan's teacher. The question is whether either of them would be willing to tolerate it. Bruce says Lionel and Ryan should work it out. Lionel rolls his head to gaze at Ryan. Ryan looks back with brows raised. Judd takes that to mean that both were willing to give it a try. Judd thinks that could be interesting. Judd misses his parents and his little brother and sister, and he knows the other three kids miss their families as well. But Judd is excited about doing something positive, not sitting around feeling sorry for himself. They have only a few years left, and he wants to see their group be just as eager to stand and fight as the adult Tribulation Force. Judd raises his hand and asks Bruce if he has time for them, with all the other stuff he's doing, just for clarification. Bruce says he'll make the time if they will all get serious about it. Bruce says the adult Tribulation Force meets at the church every night for two hours. Bruce says he can meet with the four kids after school whenever possible. Bruce will outline what he believes God has revealed in the Bible. Bruce says if he is right and if the treaty with Israel comes within the next few days, they have no time to waste. Bruce wants this church to start new churches, new groups of believers. Bruce wants to go to Israel and hear the two witnesses preach at the Wailing Wall. Bruce says to imagine the stories he'll come back with. Bruce says there's a place on the Internet where they can watch what's happening at the Wall twenty-four hours a day. Lionel says "Yippee" and Bruce looks hard at him. Lionel says he's just kidding and asks if isn't most of that in Jewish. Bruce smiles and says their language is Hebrew, but often there are subtitles or even interpreters. Bruce says they might find it interesting, especially when the witnesses are preaching. Bruce says the Bible predicts 144,000 Jews springing up and talking about God. Bruce says there will be a great soul harvest, with a billion or more people becoming believers. Judd expresses his astonishment and asks if it says there will be that many. Bruce says this is a good study for them. Bruce asks Lionel to grab the King James Bible over there. Bruce says thanks. Bruce says usually they use the New King James, or the New International, or the New Living Translation, so they can understand it better. However, Bruce says they should look at this in an older version and see if they can figure it out. Bruce asks Ryan to find Revelation 9:16 and read it to them. Ryan takes the Bible from Lionel, and Judd is pleased to hear Lionel whisper it is the last book in the whole Bible. Ryan finds the verse and reads it. Bruce asks Ryan to stop there and asks him what was the number that the apostle John heard. Ryan asks if he should answer that question, just to clarify. Bruce tells Ryan to answer the question if he knows. Ryan then replies by saying that anybody knows that a thousand thousand is a million, so the number he heard was two hundred million. Bruce says good. Bruce then asks at the risk of being too simple, would Ryan say that army of horsemen, even though it was two hundred million, could be counted. Ryan says of course and that the number's right here. Bruce says right and that it is obvious. Bruce then asks Judd to read Revelation 7:9. Judd takes the Bible from Ryan and reads that verse. Bruce says that's enough. Bruce asks if anybody caught it. Vicki says she doesn't know what they're talking about, but it's a crowd so big nobody can number it. Bruce says exactly. Bruce says that's how they know there will be a huge soul harvest. Bruce says this is talking about people who accept the truth about God during the Tribulation. Bruce asks if an army of two hundred million can be counted, how many must there be in a crowd no man can number? Judd steals a glance at Ryan, who looks excited. Ryan asks if all of this stuff is this interesting. Bruce says that's nothing. Bruce says Ryan will be as amazed as he has been with what's in here. Vicki says they should be thrilled with all of those people becoming believers. Bruce says he is thrilled. But Bruce then says that they're not going to have much time to celebrate and certainly no time to rest. Bruce asks if they remember the seven Seal Judgments Revelation talks about. Vicki says she does remember and that Bruce said something about them. Bruce then says those will begin with the signing of the treaty. Bruce says there will be eighteen months of peace, but in the three months after that-twenty-one months into the eighty-four-month Tribulation-the rest of the Seal Judgments will fall on the earth. Bruce says one-fourth of the world's population will be wiped out. Bruce asks if they understand what that means. Lionel then asks if that means one-fourth of the people who have been left behind. Bruce nods. Judd says he doesn't like those odds and that there are four kids in that room. Vicki then asks if one of them is going to die before even two years are up. Bruce doesn't say anything. Judd sees him looking at the four kids, one by one. Ryan takes a deep breath and says maybe some of this isn't that interesting after all. Ryan clarifies by saying it's interesting, but it's like stuff they don't really want to know. Vicki says she wants to know about it, speaking louder and more quickly than Judd had heard her before. Vicki says she wants to know everything, every detail. Vicki says there's no guarantee that she won't be the one who's killed by the twenty-first month. Vicki wants to make sure she's doing everything she's supposed to be doing in the meantime. Bruce asks her a trick question and says she's doing that so she can earn her way to heaven. Vicki says right but then says no and says she knows better. Vicki says she knows she can't earn her way. Vicki says she just wants to do the right thing because it's the right thing. Vicki says millions of people are going to die in the first quarter of the Tribulation, so they have to tell them the truth as fast as they can. Bruce says that's what he likes to hear. One of the adults last night said the same thing. He said that they wanted to take action, not just survive. Now they were talking Judd's language and he was thrilled that they all seemed excited about it. There was a reason God had put them together, and they were going to do important things for him. Vicki raises her hand and asks how many people will be left at the end. Bruce asks if she means at the Glorious Appearing. Vicki nods. Bruce says with all of the judgments-fourteen more following the seven Seal Judgments-there will be war and famine and pestilence and plagues. Bruce's study tells him that several of the judgments wipe out another third of the population. Bruce says that's a third of the three-fourths who are left, then a third of the two-thirds left after that, and so on. It's confusing, but Bruce says if they put a calculator to it, it looks like only one of every four people who were left behind at the Rapture will be left standing at the Glorious Appearing. Ryan then asks if the rest will be in heaven or hell. Bruce says right and the ones in heaven will set up God's earthly kingdom, his thousand-year reign. Ryan looks at the others and says that he would like to be the one left standing, but if he's not, he gets to go to heaven and come back? Ryan says that would be cool too.
That afternoon Judd works at the computer, looking at the Temple Mount Web site in Jerusalem. Vicki is sitting in the kitchen with her Bible and some books Bruce had given her to study. Lionel and Ryan are watching television, but Lionel is also telling Ryan Bible stories that are new to him. Late in the afternoon, Lionel hollers to Judd that some guy on television is talking about announcements from the UN and all that. Vicki says she does as she emerges from the kitchen. Judd joins the others in front of the TV, where a commentator says that moving the UN out of New York and into the ruins of Babylon, south of Baghdad, is a good thing. The commentator says that if Carpathia is sincere about disarming the world and stockpiling the remaining 10 percent of the weapons, he'd rather he store them in the Middle East than on an island off New York City. The commentator says the world will never settle on a single religion, and as streamlined as it may be, there will never be fewer than three currencies either. Ryan then asks what are currencies. Judd answers by saying that those are types of money. Judd describes examples by talking about American dollars, European marks, and Asian yen. Judd says Carpathia wants to go just dollars. Judd says Bruce thinks eventually Carpathia wants to go to no cash. Ryan then asks how would they do that. Judd says everybody would have an account and a credit card. Judd says if they would ever want anything, they could just put it on that card. Judd adds with no cash. Ryan initially thinks it's cool. Vicki then asks what would happen when they do away with the card and put a chip or a mark on you to be scanned. Ryan says it's even better. Ryan adds there is nothing to carry. But Vicki says that the books Bruce lent her say it will be the mark of the Antichrist, and then he'll own you. Vicki says it's right in the Bible. Ryan says they won't own him and they'd have to kill me first, so then he'd be in heaven. As Vicki heads back to the kitchen and Judd towards the stairs, she tells him that Bruce says the only woman in the adult Tribulation Force is the daughter of the pilot. Judd says he knows. Vicki adds that Chloe Steele is memorizing three books of the Bible. Judd says he didn't know that. Vicki says that Chloe is going to be Bruce's research assistant and help him teach. Vicki says maybe Chloe will teach them when Bruce is out of town. Judd says that would be neat. Judd then asks what Chloe is memorizing. Vicki then tells Judd that Chloe is memorizing the three books with the most-end time prophecies, namely Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation. Judd says those are not short books. Vicki says no kidding. But Vicki then remarks on what a goal that is. Vicki then says maybe she'll try that. Vicki says it would be more important than school. Vicki then says Judd is right. If she wants to tell people, there are going to be a lot of people to tell at Nicolae High. Vicki corrects herself when she accidentally says Prospect High. Judd says nine more days and they're back in class. Vicki says she is looking forward to tomorrow morning. Vicki says that Bruce says he's got a message that excites him. Vicki says this is so weird. Vicki says that Bruce told her that Chloe Steele said she never thought the Bible would interest her, and now she's reading it like there's no tomorrow. Vicki asks if Judd gets it. Judd asks, "Huh?". Vicki repeats like there's no tomorrow. Vicki says there aren't many, are there?
Back in his father's den, Judd sits thinking. Bruce had told Vicki about Chloe Steele, and he had told Judd about Buck Williams, the magazine writer. On the way out of church, Bruce tells Judd the latest thing Buck had told him. Bruce says that Buck said he found himself turning to the Gospels rather than the Old Testament or the Revelation prophecies. Bruce says Buck was surprised to see what a revolutionary Jesus turned out to be. Judd had asked "A revolutionary?". Bruce says Judd knows this stuff as well as he does. Bruce says Judd grew up with it. Bruce says Buck is just learning the character, the personality, the mission of Jesus, and it fascinates him. Buck told Bruce that the Jesus he had always imagined or thought he knew was an impostor. Bruce says the Jesus of the Bible turns out to be a radical, a man of paradoxes. Bruce says Jesus said if you want to be rich, give your money away. Bruce says if you want to be exalted, humble yourself. Bruce says revenge sounds logical, but it's wrong. Bruce says love your enemies, pray for those that put you down. That kind of thing. Judd can't argue with that. Judd only wishes he had become a radical Christian long before.
The fifth chapter begins with Judd insisting that everyone in the house be up early and ready to go long before church Sunday morning. No one grumbles. They had somehow turned a corner and were now excited and bold about the task before them. Even Ryan and Lionel seemed to be getting along. Judd asks that they find good seats in the sanctuary, which is already filling. Judd then hurries down to the office to see Bruce. Loretta, Bruce's kindly old secretary, was just arriving. She told Judd he could knock on Bruce's door. Bruce then calls out that if it can wait, he would appreciate it. Judd says okay. Judd says sorry. But as he walks away, Bruce comes to the door. Bruce looks disheveled, unshaven, as if he had stayed up all night. Bruce says he didn't know it was Judd. Bruce then asks what's up. Judd says nothing is up. Judd says he just wanted to say hi. Bruce says he is glad he did. Bruce then asks Judd to pray for him. Judd says okay, but then he asks why. Bruce says he is just feeling the responsibility of this church. Bruce then asks if there is a big crowd already. Judd nods. He says jammed. Cars lined up around the block. Judd says people look mostly scared or sad. Bruce says they're terrified. Bruce says they come here looking for hope, for answers, for God. Bruce says some are finding him, and the word is spreading. Bruce says he has been studying all night. Bruce says he's got to shave and get going here. Bruce then asks Judd if he studied those verses he suggested. Judd says yeah. Judd says he found the one about the quarter of the population. Bruce then asks Judd if he memorized it. Judd says yup. Bruce then says to let him hear it. Judd then asks him if he has time. Bruce then asks Judd if he really memorized it. Judd knows he has to prove it. So Judd says Revelation 6:8. Judd quotes, 'So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.' Bruce tells Judd that is excellent. Bruce says to Judd that he is a good student. But then Bruce says that unfortunately, he's going to learn that what comes after the pale horse is worse and keeps getting worse until the end.
Meanwhile, Vicki is waiting with Ryan and Lionel in the third pew from the front, in the center row. She saved a seat for Judd. When Vicki sees Judd coming, she also recognizes Cameron Williams across the way. Cameron has slid in behind a tall, dark man and a pretty young woman, and they were greeting each other. Vicki whispers to Ryan and asks him to not make a big scene. Vicki then asks if that is Captain Steele and his daughter in front of Mr. Williams. Ryan stands to look, and Vicki cringes. Ryan says yep. Ryan says that's them. Mr. S. and Chloe. Judd joins the kids as the music begins. He notices that many people don't know the songs. The words were projected on the wall, and the choruses were simple and catchy, but they were new to some people. As for those, like himself, he wondered how he and they had all missed the truth while singing songs like those. Finally Bruce hurries to the pulpit. It's not the large one on the platform, but a small lectern at floor level. Bruce carried his Bible, two large books, and a sheaf of papers he has trouble controlling. Bruce smiles sheepishly. Bruce begins by saying good morning. He says he realizes a word of explanation is in order. Usually they sing more, but they don't have time for that today. Usually his tie is straighter, his shirt fully tucked in, his suit coat buttoned. That all seems a little less critical this morning. Usually they take up an offering. Bruce says to be assured that they still need it, but he then says to please find the baskets on their way out at noon, if he indeed lets them out that early. Bruce wants to take the extra time that morning because he feels an urgency greater even than the last few weeks. Bruce doesn't want them to worry about him. Bruce hasn't become a wild-eyed madman, a cultist, or anything other than what he has been since he realized he had missed the Rapture. Bruce has read more, prayed more, and studied more this week than ever, and he is eager to tell them what God has told him. Bruce then tells his own story yet again, how he had lived a phony life for years, even as a member of the pastoral staff. When Jesus came back, Bruce had been left behind, without his wife and precious children. Judd had heard the story, but it still made him want to cry. People all over the church sobbed. Bruce says he never wants to stop telling what Christ has done for him. Bruce says he will never again be ashamed of the gospel of Christ. The Bible says that the Cross offends. If they are offended, he is doing his job. Bruce says if they are attracted to Christ, the Holy Spirit is working. Bruce says they've already missed the Rapture, and now they live in what will soon become the most perilous period of history. Evangelists used to warn people that they could be struck by a car or die in a fire, and thus they should not put off coming to Christ. Bruce is telling them that should a car strike them or a fire consume them, it may be the most merciful way they can die. Be ready this time. Be ready. Bruce will tell them how to get ready. Bruce announced that his sermon title was "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" and that he wanted to concentrate on the rider of the first horse-the white one. Judd had never seen him so earnest, so inspired. As Bruce spoke he referred to his notes, to the books he'd brought, and to the Bible. He often wiped sweat from his brow. Judd notices that most people were taking notes and that everyone was following along in the Bible. Bruce explains that the book of Revelation spoke of what was to come after Christ had raptured his church.
Bruce then thunders if anyone doubts they are in the last days. He then rhetorically asks that millions disappear, then what? He says some believe that the tribulation period has already begun and that it began with the Rapture. They feel the trials and tribulations from the disappearances of their loved ones, don't they? But that is nothing compared to what is to come.
During these seven years, God will pour out three consecutive sets of judgments. Bruce says they are seven seals in a scroll, seven trumpets, and seven bowls. If the Rapture didn't get their attention, the judgments will. And if the judgments don't, they're going to die apart from God. Horrible as these judgments are, Bruce urges them to see them as final warnings from a loving God who is not willing that any should perish.
Judd is struck to remember that he had heard old Pastor Billings preach on these same subjects. Judd had scoffed and quit listening. It all sounded too weird, too far-fetched, too unbelievable.
Bruce rumbles on and warns them that this is not for the faint of heart. Bruce then reads Revelation 6: 1-2. It says, "Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, "Come and see." And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer."
Bruce steps back and began clearing off the lectern. Bruce says not to worry. Bruce says he's not finished. People applauded. Bruce then asks if they are clapping because they want him to finish, or because they want him to go on all afternoon.
The people clap all the more, including the Young Tribulation Force. If the others are like Judd, they are drinking this in, and they want more and more. Clearly Bruce had been in tune with what God was showing him. He said over and over that this was not new truth, that the commentaries he cited were decades old, and that the doctrine of the end times was much, much older than that. But those who had said such teaching was not to be taken literally, well, they had been left behind. All of a sudden it was all right to take scripture at its word! If nothing else had convinced them, losing so many to the Rapture had finally reached them.
Bruce stands before the bare lectern now with only his Bible in his hand. Bruce says he wants to tell them now about what he believes the Bible is saying about the rider of the white horse, the first horseman of the Apocalypse. Bruce will not give his opinion. Bruce will not draw any conclusions. Bruce will simply leave it to God to help them draw any parallels that need to be drawn. Bruce will tell them this in advance. This millenniums-old account reads as fresh to him as tomorrow's newspaper.
Vicki couldn't believe an hour had flown by since she'd last checked her watch. She is hungry, but she can sit there all day listening to Bruce. She knew where he was going with this imagery, but more amazing, she knew someone in the sanctuary right then who knew the rider of the white horse personally. Buck Williams had experienced the power of the Antichrist. Buck had convinced her that Nicolae Carpathia was the man, the enemy of God.
Bruce continues by saying to notice that it is the Lamb who opens the first seal and reveals that horseman. Bruce says that lamb is Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who died for their sins, was resurrected, and recently raptured his church.
Bruce then asks who this first horseman is. Clearly he represents the Antichrist and his kingdom. His purpose is 'conquering and to conquer'. He has a bow in his hand, a symbol of warfare, and yet there is no mention of an arrow. How will he conquer? Other passages say he is a 'willful king' and that he will win through smooth talking. He will usher in a false peace, promising world unity. Will he be victorious? Yes! He has a crown.
Bruce says the rider of the white horse is the Antichrist, who comes as a deceiver promising peace and uniting the world. The Old Testament says he will sign a treaty with Israel. He will appear to be their friend and protector, but in the end he will be their conqueror and destroyer.
Bruce said he could prove that he himself was not the Antichrist-not that anyone suspected him-because he would never promise peace. Bruce says that the Bible is clear that they will have a year and a half of peace following the pact with Israel. But in the long run, Bruce predicts the opposite of peace. The other three horsemen are coming, and they bring war, famine, plagues, and death. Bruce says that is not a popular message, not a warm fuzzy they can cling to this week. Bruce says their only hope is in Christ, and even in him they will likely suffer.
Bruce closes in prayer, and Vicki assumes everyone else felt as she did, that she could have stayed all day. She tries to get to Bruce, but he has already been intercepted in the aisle, near the Steeles. Vicki was behind him as people quizzed him.
One person then asks if he is saying Nicolae Carpathia is the Antichrist. Bruce then asks if he heard him say that. The other person says no, but then says it was pretty clear. He says they're already talking on the news about his plans and some sort of deal with Israel. Bruce then says to keep reading and studying. But the other person then asks if it can't be Carpathia, can it? He then asks if he strikes him as a liar. Bruce then asks how does he strike him? The other man then says as a savior. Bruce then presses if it's almost like a messiah. The other man says yeah. Bruce says there is only one Savior, one Messiah. The other man says he knows that spiritually, and he said that Carpathia amazed him politically. The other man then tells Bruce not to tell him Carpathia is not what he seems to be.
Bruce says he'll tell him only what Scripture says. He also urges the other man to listen carefully to the news. They must be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. A woman says that's how she would have described Carpathia. Bruce then says to be careful about giving Christlike characteristics to anyone who doesn't align himself with Christ.
Vicki has been stopped by Bruce's comment about being wise and gentle. She can't wait to tell the rest of the Young Tribulation Force about that. Wise and gentle was what they had to be when they went back to school. So many people needed what the Young Tribulation Force had to offer, and yet so much danger awaited them too. The four are strangely silent on the way home, and Vicki assumed it was because they had all been so moved by Bruce and his sermon. They ate as if they hadn't eaten for hours...which was true. Just before Vicki finished, the phone rings. Ryan, who loves to answer it, announces it was for her. Ryan whispers it is a guy named Deacon. He then whispers that he sounds old.
The sixth chapter begins with Deacon asking Vicki if she knew Bub well. Vicki says she never met him. Vicki says she told him. She says he was a friend of his brother's. Deacon then asks if she is sure she got his name right. Deacon then says "Beryl Gaylor, right?" for clarification. Vicki says right. She then asks why. Deacon then asks if she is sitting down. Vicki then tells him to just tell him. Deacon then says that Bub is dead. Deacon then asks when she said she talked to him last. Vicki can hardly speak. She then manages to say that she last spoke to him on the day of the Rapture. She then says he was fine. She then asks what happened. Deacon then says what he heard from his friend in the police department. Deacon says Gaylor was missing for a few days, so they searched his and Vicki's brother's apartment. Deacon then asks if Edward is the name of Vicki's brother. Vicki says right.
Deacon then says Edward had disappeared out of his car. There was no evidence Bub had disappeared, no pile of clothes, that kind of a thing. His answering machine had a message from a friend, asking him to come over and check the friend's basement with him. This guy reported a gas leak the night before. The gas company repairman came out to check the lines in the basement, and then told Bub's friend to find another place to stay for the night while he worked on it. When the guy called the gas company in the morning to see if he could move back in, he couldn't get through. This was because of everything that happened due to the vanishings.
So he was asking Gaylor to go with him to see if his house was okay. The police went to the guy's house and found the gas truck in the driveway, the owner's car and Bub's car parked behind it. The house had blown.
Vicki lets out a huge sigh. She then asks if all three of them were killed. Deacon says no. Deacon says it looks like the gas company guy disappeared. Because the house didn't blow until Bub and his friend got there. The cops figure the gas guy disappeared when everyone else did, before he could fix the leak. Those guys coming inside in the morning to check on him must have sparked something that ignited the gas.
Vicki doesn't know what to say. She finally says she hates this. She says it's like they have to talk to everyone right away because they never know what's going to happen to them. Deacon then asks Vicki if her brother has tried to tell Bub. Vicki says yes. Deacon tells Vicki that she might never know, that something may have gotten through to him, even after she talked to him.
Vicki can't imagine, but she can hope. She thanks Deacon and said she hopes to run into him again sometime. She moves to the couch in the living room and sits crying softly. In a few minutes, Judd comes looking for her. Vicki tells him what had happened. Vicki then asks Judd if he sees why school is going to be such a waste of time. Judd shakes his head. Judd says he knows it seems that way, but more kids might listen to them there than anywhere else. But Vicki asks if they will be allowed to say anything. Vicki then wonders what everyone makes of the disappearances and Carpathia and all that. Judd wonders who'll be there and who won't. Judd then rhetorically asks how many teachers and coaches and office people were raptured, and how many students?
Late that afternoon, as Judd surfed the Internet, he realized how dramatically his life had changed in just a couple of weeks. He used to look for reasons to do anything but study or read. Now he had become a newshound, an information freak. He read his Bible, studied his notes from Bruce's sermons and private messages. Now he was searching the Net for anything else he could find about what was going on.
Judd hears a ping and sees the mail icon appear at the lower right of his screen. Judd clicks on it and finds a message from Bruce. In the message, Bruce tells Judd that he will tell Judd and perhaps Vicki things he would not feel comfortable sharing with Lionel and Ryan. It isn't that he doesn't trust them, but these would be highly confidential matters, potentially dangerous if spread around. Bruce says the younger boys might not know how to keep secrets or understand how important that is.
Bruce says that two members of the Tribulation Force, Captain Steele and Buck Williams (whom Judd knows), run in some very interesting circles and may be able to shed light on international matters that others wouldn't be exposed to. Bruce says he won't be able to tell Judd everything, but when he does, he'll count on his confidence-he knows what that means: total secrecy. Ok?
Judd feels special that Bruce would trust him like that. When he answers, he would assure Bruce he would assure Bruce he could be trusted. Meanwhile, Bruce told him the story of Buck Williams having met Israel's Chaim Rosenzweig, the botanist who had created a formula that allowed desert sands to bloom like a greenhouse. The result had made Israel one of the richest nations in the world. Buck Williams had interviewed him and become his friend after Rosenzweig had been named Global Weekly's Man of the Year. Rosenzweig had introduced Buck to Nicolae Carpathia.
Bruce writes he has been most encouraged by Judd's attitude, his intelligence, and his curiosity. Bruce writes that he might be interested in the text of an interview with Dr. Rosenzweig. He will find it at the following Web site.
Judd quickly clicks on it. Bruce is right. Judd finds it fascinating.
Wallace Theodore of ABC TV's Nightline had interviewed Rosenzweig, and the text had been stored on the site. Judd finds the following most intriguing and looked forward to when he might talk with Buck Williams personally about it.
The interview begins with Theodore asking Rosenzweig about what he can tell them about Nicolae Carpathia. Rosenzweig says he finds him most impressive. Rosenzweig describes Carpathia as so bright, so engaging, so articulate, and so humble. Theodore asks Rosenzweig to excuse him as he asks if Carpathia is humble. Theodore says Carpathia is as humble as any leader he has ever met. Rosenzweig then adds he has never seen a man like this. When Carpathia was invited to speak at the United Nations not a month ago, he almost declined, he felt so unworthy. But Theodore heard the speech. Rosenzweig says he would have nominated Carpathia for Prime Minister of Israel, if he were eligible! Rosenzweig tells Theodore that Carpathia has ideas upon ideas. He speaks so many languages that he hardly ever needs an interpreter, even for some of the remotest tribes. Theodore then asks Rosenzweig how can Carpathia give away his formula. Rosenzweig says he was more than happy to offer it. He then adds that Botswana will soon be one of the most fertile countries in all of Africa, if not the world. Theodore then says having the formula made Israel a wealthy nation. Theodore then says Russia attacked Rosenzweig for the formula alone. Rosenzweig says it is not about money. He needs none. Israel needs none. Theodore then asks what Carpathia could offer that is worthy of trade. Rosenzweig then rhetorically asks what could Carpathia offer that is worthy of trade. What has Israel prayed for since the beginning of time as the chosen people of God? Shalom. Peace. 'Pray for the peace of Israel.' Theodore then says that many say God supernaturally protected Rosenzweig against the Russian attack. With God on his side, does he need to barter with Nicolae Carpathia for protection?
Rosenzweig then answers by saying that they pray, they seek God, but in the meantime they believe he helps those who helps themselves. Theodore then rhetorically asks Rosenzweig how they are helping themselves. Rosenzweig says the formula is tied to Carpathia's disarmament policy. Once the world is disarmed, Israel should not have to worry about her borders. Any nation threatening Israel will suffer immediate extinction, using the weaponry available to the UN, 10 percent from each donating country. Imagine the firepower. Theodore then interjects by saying Carpathia doesn't believe in war. Rosenzweig then says Carpathia also knows that the best way to keep the peace is to have the weapons that enforce it. Theodore then asks how long does the agreement between Israel and Carpathia last. Rosenzweig then says that Mr. Carpathia suggests that full rights to the formula would return to them after only seven years.
Judd freezes. So there it was, the seven-year agreement between Israel and the Antichrist. Judd called Bruce at the church office. Judd asks if that interview says what he thinks it says. Bruce says it sure does. How many will recognize it for what it is, he can't say. But here is another tidbit for him, and Bruce says to please tell no one other than Vicki, and swear her to secrecy as well: Buck Williams has been invited to Israel for the signing of the treaty. Judd shakes his head. He then asks Bruce to get Buck to tell them about it when he gets back. Bruce says no promises. Bruce says Cameron may have to lie low and not be seen with believers for a while. But if he can and they find a way to make it happen, Bruce will do his best.
On Monday a week later, Vicki awoke at the crack of dawn. Her schoolbooks had burned with her trailer, she barely remembered her class schedule, and she dreaded the thought of going back. She would miss Clarice Washington, Lionel's older sister, with whom she had sat on the school bus. Clarice had been raptured, and Vicki would not ride the bus anyway; she would ride with Judd. He would drop Lionel and Ryan off at Global Community Middle School on the way. What a joke.
She knew the first day back to high school would be chaotic when she saw what was happening at the middle school.
The seventh chapter begins with Judd feeling queasy when he joins the heavy traffic wending its way to the middle school. Lionel had fallen strangely silent since the four kids got into the car, but Ryan had kept up a steady stream of chatter. The only thing Vicki had said was that she wondered if anyone would recognize her. Judd did not recall noticing her in the past, but there was a vast difference between the hard-looking, black-lipped, and black-eyelidded girl he had met and this preppy version that sat beside him now.
For many of the junior highers, this merely looked like the first day of school again. Everyone seemed carefully dressed and equipped, and their mothers or fathers dropped them off, watching anxiously as they headed inside. Ryan says he wonders how many kids lost parents. Ryan then says he's got something for show-and-tell. Vicki then asks if they still do show-and-tell. Ryan says no. But then he says for sure everybody's going to want to be telling where they were and what they saw and who they know who's gone and all that.
Judd glanced in the rearview mirror and noticed Lionel nodding, but he was gazing out the window. Judd speaks softly to Vicki. Judd then asks Vicki if she is going go to the office and see about getting new books. Vicki then says she guesses. She then says they'll probably charge her. Judd then says if she needs any money, she could come to him. Vicki interrupts and quickly says she knows. She says thanks. She says she'll let him know. But she says she is going to find a job soon. Judd says she doesn't have to do that. Vicki says yes, she has to. She says she is not a freeloader or a charity case. Ryan then says to let him get out there. He says he sees some of the guys. Judd says to just wait. Judd says they have got to talk about what they're going to say about their situation. Ryan then rhetorically asks his situation? Ryan then asks what Judd means. Ryan says his parents are dead. Ryan then asks how else can he say it. Does Judd think Ryan is going to start crying or something? Ryan says he doesn't think he can cry anymore.
Judd pulls into the line circling the entrance, and they crawled along. Judd says to Ryan that both he and Lionel have to come up with some story about where they're staying. Ryan asks if he means they should lie. Judd says of course not. But Judd says they don't have to tell people they're living with other kids. Judd says to just say they're staying with someone from church. Lionel says that is a good idea. He says he's not sure he's ready to tell everybody that he's the only one left in his family. But he bets they will try to get them talking about what they think happened. Lionel says if they ask him, he'll tell him.
Judd pulls over and shifts into Park. Judd asks Lionel and Ryan if they are sure they want to walk all the way home after school. Lionel says it's not that far. Anyway, Lionel says they either have to wait for him for an hour or go home. There is nothing else for them to do.
Judd nods. Vicki says they're going to want to hear all about it, so they should try to remember everything. Ryan says all right twice. Ryan says let's go already. Ryan then asks Judd to unlock the doors. Judd says they might ask kids whose parents are gone to fill out new emergency forms. Ryan says they'll put down Bruce Barnes's name and the church's phone number. Ryan says they've been through this a gazillion times.
Judd unlocks the doors, and it seems Lionel is out as quickly as Ryan. Judd says all of a sudden he feels like a parent as he pulls back into traffic. Judd says he could've waited ten years to start worrying about what a couple of middle schoolers are going to do all day. Vicki just smiles and nods. She looks tense.
In the parking lot at the former Prospect High School, teachers and coaches and office staff directed traffic and spoke through bullhorns. They say not to worry about parking stickers today. They say they'll deal with that later. They say to check the bulletin boards for class and schedule changes. They say they'll be on a shortened program today, starting in the field house for an all-school assembly. They are then told to sit with their class. Judd asks through the window if they mean homeroom. They say no, their whole class. Freshmen in the west balcony, sophomores in the east balcony, juniors in the back on the main floor, seniors in front.
Vicki appears pale and on the verge of tears as she gets out of the car. Judd then asks her if she wants to stay with him for that opening assembly. Vicki sighs. She says she really would. She then asks Judd if he thinks they'd let her do that. Judd then says that she doesn't look like a freshman anyway. Judd says she may have to join her class if they go together, but otherwise, what are they going to do, kick her out?
Judd waits as Vicki stops to ask a teacher what she should do about her books. The teacher then replies to the girl if that is all she lost, then she should consider herself lucky. The teacher then says they'll deal with that at the assembly. The teacher then tells her not to be late.
The halls are as crowded as ever until they got into the field house. When the opening bell rang it was clear that the place, usually jammed for an all-school assembly, was only 70 to 75 percent filled. The teaching staff was depleted by about the same percentage, made obvious because they were sitting in rows on the platform behind the lectern.
As Judd and Vicki sat with the juniors, the principal, Mrs. Laverne Jenness, stepped to the microphone. Mrs. Jenness says "Welcome back". She says she is proud to announce, in case they were under a rock and missed the news or the brand-spanking-new sign out front, that they are no longer Prospect Knights. They are Nicolae Carpathia doves!
She may have expected an enthusiastic response, because she appears to be taken aback at a smattering of boos and laughter. But when the teachers jumped to their feet in applause, most of the students began cheering too. Judd thinks at first that the students were just mocking the teachers-as usual-but it soon becomes clear the celebrants are serious. Mrs. Jenness beams. She then says she is so pleased that they're pleased. She then says she recognizes that this decision was made without their input, but there was nearly unanimous support at the administrative level. Mrs. Jenness says that their response is really most gratifying. There had long been talk that their school name, steeped in history as it was, was unimaginative, merely echoing the name of the town in which they reside. And a knight is, of course, a warrior, which has long been an offensive mascot. Mrs. Jenness then says that to be named after so great and humble a leader and pacifist like UN Secretary-General Nicolae Carpathia, well, that should make them all proud. The students then chant, "Nicolae High! Nicolae High! Nicolae High!"
Mrs. Jenness smiles, then raises her hands for silence. She then says she recognizes that they are reconvening only weeks after the most tragic event to ever curse their planet.
Characters in Nicolae High[]
Original Members of The Young Tribulation Force[]
Other Members of The Young Tribulation Force[]
- John Preston (first appearance)
- Mark Eisman (first appearance)
Other Believers[]
- Bruce Barnes
- Greg Handlesman (first appearance, posing as a non-believer)
- Deacon (only appearance)
- Rayford Steele
- Chloe Steele
- Loretta
- Cameron Williams
- Laverne Jenness (first appearance)
- Beryl "Bub" Gaylor (confirmed death)
- Joyce (first appearance)
- Shelly Malloy
- Mr. Shellenberger (first appearance)
- Mrs. Waltonen (first appearance)
- Miss June (only appearance)
- Claud (only appearance)
- Unnamed driver (only appearance)
- Unnamed passenger (only appearance)
- Unnamed male student (only appearance)
- "Fat Fox" (only appearance)
- Chaim Rosenzweig (mentioned only)
- Wallace Theodore (mentioned only)
- Unnamed female teacher (only appearance)
Global Community[]
- Prospect High School becomes Nicolae Carpathia High School.
- Lincoln Junior High School becomes Global Community Middle School.
- First appearance of John Preston.
- First appearance of Mark Eisman.
- John and Mark join the Young Tribulation Force.
- Judd, Vicki, John, Mark, and Shelly start attending Nicolae Carpathia High School.
- Lionel and Ryan start attending Global Community Middle School.
- First appearance of Laverne Jenness.
- First appearance of Coach Greg Handlesman.
- First appearance of Mr. Shellenberger.
- First appearance of Joyce.
- Only appearance of Deacon.
- Only appearance of Claud.
- Only appearance of Miss June.
- Deacon reveals to Vicki that Eddie Byrne's friend, Bub, was killed by a gas leak.
- None of the characters introduced in this book are confirmed to have survived to the Glorious Appearing.
- The first book in the series in which Lionel Washington and Ryan Daley do not have any POVs.
- The first book in the series in which neither LeRoy Banks nor Cornelius Grey make an appearance.
- This is the only book in the series in which the name of Global Community Middle School is written in the synopsis.
- In the dramatic audio presentation, John Preston introduced himself and Mark Eisman to Judd. In the book, John and Mark both introduce themselves.