Left Behind Wiki

Naomi Tiberias was the daughter of Eleazar Tiberias. Her mother died of cancer but became a believer before she died. She became a believer after the Rapture and a member of the Tribulation Force. She worked in the tech center at Petra and fell in love with Chang Wong through correspondence and then later in person, deciding to postpone their wedding until after the Second Coming of Christ.

In an intimate conversation with Chang Wong in Armageddon, Chang Wong remarks that the anticipatory period a few months before the Glorious Appearing of Jesus Christ is an "incredible time to be alive". Naomi disagrees because she says that she rather had known Jesus before the Rapture so she would have gone with Jesus during the Rapture and not endure the adversity of the Tribulation. Chang said he would have preferred that if he had the choice to have been a believer before the Rapture, but Naomi responds that they actually did have the choice and sufficient knowledge of Christianity to believe. Chang concurs. Naomi then elaborates that the greatest time to be alive is during the Millennial Kingdom where they can be with Jesus during a time of unprecedented peace. She added that she is excited about the prospect of being by Chang's side for one-thousand years.


Left Behind series

Left Behind: The Kids

