Left Behind Wiki

Dr. Madeline Eikenberry was pathologist from Baghdad. She, alongside her assistants Pietr Berger and Kiersten Scholten, were chosen to prepare Nicolae Jetty Carpathia's body for viewing.

When she presented her findings to the directors of the Global Community palace, she was crying. She gave an incorrect account of Carpathia's cause of death, saying that it was from the trauma caused by the bullet of the Saber handgun, but Carpathia was killed by a Chaim Rosenzweig's blade. She was astounded about Carpathia's last words of forgiveness to the perpetrator (Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do) since the wound to Carpathia's head would have destroyed the neurological capability for speaking. In imitation of the Roman centurion at Jesus' crucifixion, she concluded that Carpathia was truly a righteous man and that truly he was the son of God.


  • Eikenberry is an Americanized form of the German surname Eichenberg, which roughly translates into "oak mountain".