Left Behind Games is a computer game company that specialized mainly in creating tactical strategy games based on the Left Behind series of books under the name Inspired Media Entertainment. Though the original company went defunct in 2011, copies of the games tend to available in stock with some uploaded as abandonware although installation from download can be tricky.
After many years the company reappeared, with plans to release Left Behind branded mobile games for iOS and Android devices with oversight by Tyndale House. The website at leftbehindgames.com used to provide has an e-mail form to sign-up for updates but currently it displays a message stating that "Left Behind Games Inc. is currently dormant and is not operating. Although it is unlikely the corporation will operate again, this website remains online in the event it is revived."
Release dates have yet to be set and it hasn't been announced if these will be new games or mobile versions of the previous ones.
The company by Troy Lyndon with an intention of creating many religious games in 2001 with a goal of at least 50 and connecting them to churches. The company closed down its offices and shut down operations in 2011. In however 2013, the company came under a lawsuit by the SEC for an alleged "Revenue Inflation Scheme" and suspended trading of the company. This came after Troy gave unregistered shares of the company's stock to a minister who then sold it.
Ownership of the copyrights have presumably been shifted to Tyndale which is now connected to (and might own) the company.
Left Behind:
- Left Behind: Eternal Forces - 2006
- Left Behind: Tribulation Forces - 2007
- Left Behind 3: Rise of the Antichrist - 2009
- Left Behind 4: World at War - 2011
- Charlie Church Mouse
- King Solomon's Trivia Challenge 1&2
- King Solomon's Word Games