Left Behind Wiki

Krystall (surnamed Carney in the Dramatic Audio of Armageddon) is a member of the Global Community. She is the secretary of Nicolae Carpathia during the time of The Remnant and Armageddon.


After the Rapture[]

Krystall replaced Sandra as Nicolae Carpathia's secretary. She took the mark of loyalty when the grace period for it had expired. For her mark of loyalty, she received a "-6" on her forehead, and she worshiped Carpathia's image. Over time she became rather discontent with Carpathia when she saw him for who he really is and expressed her concerns to her family. When the high-ranking members of Carpathia's cabinet emigrated to Al Hillah when the plague of darkness hampered Global Community operations and administration in New Babylon, she was left behind in New Babylon and soon after killed by a gas grenade when she tried to help Rayford Steele locate the whereabouts of Chloe Williams when she was taken into custody by the Global Community and later publicly executed. She expressed regret for taking the mark of the beast. The Tribulation Force were willing to help her escape New Babylon before it was destroyed by God, but she could not gain entry into Petra because she had taken the mark of Carpathia and had no seal of God on her forehead.

Krystall had an uncle named Gregory who was hiding out as a rebel, though not as a believer. Rayford told her to have him contact Tsion Ben-Judah's website and Buck's The Truth as soon as possible. Gregory's eventual spiritual state is unknown.


Left Behind series

Left Behind: The Kids
