Left Behind Wiki

Jonathan Stonagal is a supporting antagonist in the Left Behind series. He is a powerful and highly influential American financier with links to Viv Ivins' Luciferian organization. He is mentioned as being in his eighties at the time the Rapture took place.


Before the Rapture[]

Apart from controlling most of the world's largest financial institutions and being the richest man in history, he also owns the genetic engineering company that artificially inseminated Nicolae Carpathia's mother Marilena with a hybrid sperm through his Project People's Victory. As her son Nicolae comes of age, Stonagal becomes one of his mentors, financing his rise in the corporate world. He begins to become regretful for his involvement with Carpathia, fearing that he is already out of control.

After the Rapture[]

At his first meeting as United Nations Secretary-General, Nicolae Carpathia executes Stonagal with a revolver, believing that his usefulness has expired. The same bullet that kills Stonagal also kills Joshua Todd-Cothran, the head of the London Stock Exchange, believed responsible for plotting an attempt on Buck Williams' life earlier in the book as well as liquidating many of his acquaintances. Carpathia then brainwashes everyone in the room (except Williams, who was protected by God) into believing that Stonagal shot himself and Todd-Cothran in remorse for the assassinations.

After his death, Carpathia was named the sole benefactor in Stonagal's will, though Stonagal's family members will receive massive payoffs to silence them. This effectively bestowed on Carpathia the financial resources and clout needed for his intended takeover of the world's media and information networks, granting him a media monopoly.

In other media[]


  • In the film Left Behind: The Movie, is revealed that he and his partner Todd Cothran plan to use Chaim and Nicolae's plans for world peace against them, seeking to bankrupt the UN after obtaining the Eden formula and the ten tracts of land, thus leading them to world domination.
  • The character of Jonathan Stonagal is likely a reference to the various members of the Rockefeller family, notably David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission. The surnames also bears a resemblance: Stone-a-gal to Rock-a-feller.

