God in the Left Behind books refers to Jehovah or Yahweh (the "I AM WHO I AM"), the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose only begotten Son Jesus Christ was sent to earth born as a man through the virgin woman Mary to die for the sins of mankind so that they could be forgiven and granted eternal life with Him in heaven. He is called "the one true God" in Scripture, full of goodness and mercy and love but also a holy and righteous God who must judge and punish people for their sin. His Son Jesus Christ is spoken of as "the Way, the Truth, and the Life", that no one comes to God the Father except through Jesus, and that salvation cannot be found in any other name under heaven. Those who refuse to accept Jesus as the prophesied Christ and that He came in the flesh are considered "antichrists".
While He (Jehovah/Yahweh) is considered exclusively the God of both Jews and Christians, the Jews generally do not use His name as they consider it too holy to even pronounce, while the Christians generally refer to Him as "the LORD". "The LORD" in most modern Bibles is often a rendering of the tetragrammaton in the Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament.
Attributes Of God
Attributes that are commonly ascribed to God include:
- Omniscience (He is all-knowing, declaring the end from the beginning)
- Omnipresence (He is ever-present everywhere)
- Encompassing (it is said that even the highest heavens couldn't contain Him)
- Omnipotence (He is all-powerful)
- Immortality
- Sovereignty (He is Lord over all creation)
- Fidelity (He is always faithful)
- Goodness
- Wise
- Just
- Righteous
- Holy (to the nth degree, no less!)
- Supremacy (He is high above all gods and even above His own creation)
- Compassionate
- Merciful
- Forgiving
- Loving
- Jealous (in that He does not like other "gods" competing for His complete attention)
- Creator and provider of all good things
- Triune, having Three that are all God in nature: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
His compound names include:
- Jehovah Jireh/Yahweh Yireh ("The Lord Who Provides")
- Jehovah Rapha/Yahweh Rapha ("The Lord Who Heals")
- Jehovah Nissi/Yahweh Nissi ("The Lord Our Banner")
- Jehovah Shalom/Yahweh Shalom ("The Lord Our Peace")
- Jehovah Tsid-Kenu/Yahweh Tsid-Kenu ("The Lord Our Righteousness")
- Jehovah Sabaoth/Yahweh Sabaoth ("The Lord Of Hosts")
- Jehovah Shammah/Yahweh Shammah ("The Lord Is There")