Left Behind Wiki


Global Community Middle School, formerly Lincoln Junior High School, was a middle school created with the intention to spread the fame and influence of the Global Community and to brainwash middle school students with Carpathia's propaganda. The school was located in Mount Prospect, Illinois. Lionel Washington is a graduate of this school. Ryan Daley also attended this school, until the earthquake demolished the school. It is never seen again after book 11 and never mentioned again after book 12. Principal Winkler served as the principal of this school.

Lionel asked Judd in The Underground (the 6th book of the Left Behind: The Kids series) if they could make a newspaper at this school that was similar to the Underground at Nicolae Carpathia High School. Though Judd said they could see if they could do a version at Global Community Middle School, there is no indication that this ever came to pass.

After Lionel graduated from this school and moved on to Nicolae Carpathia High School after the events of Busted!, the 7th book in the Left Behind: The Kids series, Ryan felt alone, stating that all the excitement was at the high school.

In Death Strike, the 8th book of the Left Behind: The Kids series, this school forced Ryan and the other students to wear the dove as their school uniform. This started to become mandatory during Ryan's seventh grade year.

Ryan was playing dodgeball during his gym class in Into the Storm, the 11th book in the Left Behind: The Kids series. Ryan was one of the remaining three players in the circle during the game when his gym teacher informed him he was needed in the office. Ryan asked if he could finish the game, but the coach told him to go ahead to the office as it seemed important. Ryan saw two Global Community officials heading towards the school, one of whom was a gunman that previously tried to kill Judd Thompson Jr., Vicki Byrne, and Maxwell Stahley. Ryan muttered that it didn't look good and was about to walk away when Cameron Williams grabbed his arm and said that the Global Community was looking for him, as the GC had Louise Stahley and Taylor Graham in custody. Cameron was able to get past security at this school by providing fake identification and flashing his credentials. As Cameron drives away in his car, Ryan looks through the window, where he sees Ryan's gym teacher speaking with the two GC officers and the vice principal of the school. This would be the last time Ryan would ever set foot into this school, as he would die in the Wrath of the Lamb earthquake weeks later. The school would be destroyed in the earthquake anyway. Shelly Malloy said she was glad that Ryan was at Vicki's house instead of at the middle school, as she said most of the survivors of the earthquake were on a field trip. This is the last time the school is ever mentioned in the series.


  • This school is named in honor of the Global Community.
  • Just like Nicolae Carpathia High School, this school's mascot is also the doves.
  • Lionel Washington and Ryan Daley were the only two members of the Young Tribulation Force to attend this school.
  • Lionel Washington was in 8th grade at this school and Ryan Daley was in 6th grade at this school when the name of the school was changed.
  • Lionel Washington was disappointed by the name change of this school.
  • Lionel was two grades ahead of Ryan in this school.
  • Ryan Daley was the last remaining member of the Young Tribulation Force to still be a student at this school when it was demolished.
  • This was the first middle school and the first school in general to be named after the Global Community.
  • The school forced Ryan and the other students to wear the dove as their school uniform in book 8, which happened during Ryan's seventh-grade year.
  • Judd Thompson Jr. said in book 6 that they would distribute a newspaper for this school, but it never happened. This is possibly because the YTF thought it would be too dangerous, or they simply forgot to.
  • A girl in Lionel's homeroom had her Bible taken during his eighth-grade year.
  • Ryan was disgusted by the talks of peace and self-esteem that took place in this school.
  • World War II and Hitler's regime were topics of discussion during history classes at this school.
  • The staff members at this school referred to the Bible as "dangerous material".
  • Lionel's activity in this school was never narrated or shown.
  • The only time the inside of the school was shown was in book 11.
  • Lionel Washington is the only member of the Young Tribulation Force to have been both a student at this school and Nicolae Carpathia High School.
  • Judd Thompson Jr. is the only original male YTF member to not ever be a student at this school.
  • Lionel Washington spent only one semester as a student at this school.
  • This school only made 4/40 appearances in the Left Behind: The Kids series.
  • This school never made an appearance in a book without Nicolae Carpathia High School.
  • Dodgeball was one activity students at this school could participate in during gym classes.
  • Nicolae High, the 5th book in the Left Behind: The Kids series, is the only book in which the name of this school was written in the synopsis.
  • Ryan was considered to be a star athlete at this school.
  • There is no indication that either Lionel Washington or Ryan Daley spoke to other students at this school about their beliefs.
  • This school is not mentioned often during the series because most of the attention of The Young Trib Force was focused on Nicolae Carpathia High School.
  • After Lionel graduated from this school in book 7, Ryan stated that he felt alone, commenting that, "All the excitement's at Nicolae Carpathia High."
  • Cameron Williams used fake credentials to pose as a Global Community officer to escort Ryan to safety when Global Community officials were looking for him at this school.
  • The last class Ryan Daley ever attended in this school was gym class.
  • The vice principal of this school was questioned by two Global Community officials about the whereabouts of Ryan Daley.
  • Since Ryan was in sixth grade at the time of the Rapture, it can be assumed that he was in eighth grade at Global Community Middle School when it was destroyed in the earthquake, since the earthquake happened 21 months after the Rapture.
  • Excluding Lionel and Ryan, there were no other named believers that attended Global Community Middle School.
  • None of the staff members in this school were named in the books.
  • None of the staff members in this school were confirmed to have become believers.
  • None of the staff members in this school are confirmed to have survived to the Glorious Appearing.
  • Shelly Malloy said that most of the students from this school that survived the Wrath of the Lamb earthquake were on a field trip.
  • Lionel Washington is the only former student from this school confirmed to have survived to the Glorious Appearing.
  • Lionel and Ryan were the only named students at this school.
  • It can be assumed Ryan Daley had a social life at this school, due to the fact that he recognized some of the male students at this school that were left behind at the Rapture.
  • None of the female students at this school were named.
  • None of the non-original members of the Young Tribulation Force were ever students at this school.
  • None of the female members of the Young Tribulation Force were ever students at this school.
  • It is unknown, but possible, that Principal Winkler may have died during the earthquake, as most of the students and staff at this school that survived the earthquake were on a field trip.
  • It can be assumed Ryan Daley disliked this school due to his loneliness and the amount of Global Community propaganda the students were forced to listen to.
  • In the dramatic audio presentation, the principal of this school is named Principal Winkler.
  • In the dramatic audio presentation, the staff members at this school attempted to brainwash the students at this school by making them believe that nuclear radiation was behind the disappearances.
  • In the dramatic audio presentation, it is heavily implied that Principal Winkler convinced teachers at this school to brainwash their students.
  • In the dramatic audio presentation, Bruce Barnes phoned to make sure Lionel Washington could transfer into this school.
  • In the dramatic audio presentation, Lionel Washington and Ryan Daley were in the same grade at this school.



  • Principal Winkler (Dramatic audio presentation)
  • Unnamed gym coach
  • Unnamed vice principal

Grades Served[]


Classes taught[]

  • Homeroom
  • Gym
  • History


Left Behind: The Kids


Left Behind: The Kids


Fallen Students[]

Fallen Staff Members[]

None known

Students that survived to the Glorious Appearing[]

Staff Members that survived to the Glorious Appearing[]

None known
