Christianity is one of the three major religions that sprang forth from the Middle East, along with Judaism and Islam. Its founder was Jesus Christ, the Son of God who was believed to be the Messiah of the Jews and the Savior of all mankind. It started from Jerusalem after the time of His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven and eventually spread forth unto all the earth throughout the centuries. From that time it has divided into many different sects, including Orthodox, Protestantism, and the Roman Catholic Church. During the time of the Tribulation in the Left Behind series, true followers of Christ were considered enemies of the state and were called "Judah-ites". Jesus' Biblical message that He alone is the way to God also makes Christianity seem intolerant in the eyes of those of either no religion or of other religions, as seen in the reactions of characters in the Left Behind books.
Doctrines of Christianity
Its core essential teachings are that:
- The Bible is the infallible and inerrant Word of God (2nd Timothy 3:16-17)
- God is monothestic, but exists in a Trinity that consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
- Jesus is fully God made manifest in the flesh (John 8:58; 1st Timothy 3:16)
- Jesus was born of a virgin
- Jesus lived a completely sinless life (Hebrews 4:15)
- Jesus is the fulfillment of the law (Romans 10:4)
- Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross for atonement of our sins, being our substitute (1st Corinthians 15:3)
- Jesus rose from the dead on the third day (1st Corinthians 15:4)
- Jesus will come again
- Salvation is by grace through faith (a gift of God), not of our works (Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 11:6)
- Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone being the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6; Acts 4:12)
The common worship practices of Christianity include attending services with a local body of believers that make up the Church, studying the Bible, and prayer. Water baptism and holy communion services are also included, though how often they are practiced and who is allowed to participate in them depends on the congregation. In Left Behind: World at War, holy communion was practiced by the Tribulation Force core members as Bruce Barnes and Chloe Williams faced death by way of a disease that was transmitted through shipments of tainted Bibles.
Known Christians in the series
Pre-Rapture saints
- Vernon Billings, pastor of New Hope Village Church
- Irene Steele, wife of Rayford Steele
- Raymie Steele, son of Rayford Steele
- Christopher Smith, Rayford Steele's co-pilot (Left Behind (2014 film))
- Yasmine Ababneh, wife of Abdullah Ababneh
- Zaki, son of Abdullah Ababneh
- Bahira, daughter of Abdullah Ababneh
- Lucinda Washington, mother of Lionel Washington
- Wilma Fitzhugh, wife of Gerald Fitzhugh
- Mrs. Tiberias, wife of Eleazar Tiberias
Tribulation saints
- Rayford Steele, founding member of the Tribulation Force
- Cameron Williams, founding member of the Tribulation Force
- Chloe Irene Williams, founding member of the Tribulation Force
- Bruce Barnes, acting pastor of New Hope Village Church and founding member of the Tribulation Force
- Christopher Smith (Left Behind II: Tribulation Force)
- Judd Thompson Jr.
- Vicki Byrne
- Ryan Daley
- Lionel Washington
- Tsion Ben-Judah, rabbi and de facto spiritual leader of the Tribulation Force
- Loretta
- Amanda White
- Gerald Fitzhugh (Left Behind: World At War)
- Donny Moore
- Sandra Moore
- Mac McCullum
- Leah Rose
- Edward Collins (Dramatic Audio)
- Floyd Charles
- David Hassid
- Kenneth Ritz
- Jacov
- Tyrola Mark Delanty
- Gustaf Zuckermandel Sr.
- Gustaf Zuckermandel Jr.
- Lukas Miklos
- Annie Christopher
- Dwayne Tuttle
- Trudy Tuttle
- Abdullah Ababneh
- Ming Toy
- Hannelore
- Demetrius Demeter
- Chaim Rosenzweig
- Albie
- Steve Plank, going under the alias of Pinkerton Stephens
- Hattie Durham
- Hannah Palemoon
- Chang Wong
- Marcel Papadopoulos
- Georgiana Stavros
- George Sebastian
- Priscilla Sebastian
- Beth Ann Sebastian
- Enoch Dumas
- Bernadette Rice
- Lionel Whalum
- Ree Woo
- Otto Weser
- Razor
- Carmela
- Shaniqua
- Josef Svench (Dramatic Audio)
- Eleazar Tiberias
- Naomi Tiberias
- Mrs. Fenstein (Dramatic Audio)
- Morris (Dramatic Audio)
- Ezer Bornstein
Millennium Kingdom saints
- Kenneth Bruce Williams
- Ekaterina Risto
- Rehema, a former member of The Only Light
- Sarsour, co-founder of the Theological Training Institute