Left Behind Wiki

Brooke McCarty is a Global Community officer that tried to arrest and trap members of the Young Tribulation Force along with her brother, Lee McCarty.


After the Rapture[]

Brooke receive the mark of loyalty on her forehead, but while a Global Community operative, had it concealed.

She and her brother Lee were loitering around the Young Tribulation Force's plantation house, a safe house, in South Carolina. They said they were walking from Savannah, Georgia to Charleston, South Carolina but they ran into trouble from bounty hunters looking for people without the mark of loyalty. They said that their mother, Linda, died in the Wrath Of the Lamb earthquake and their father, John, was a raptured believer who wrote prayers for his children's salvation on his computer. Their parents divorced, and Brooke lived with her mother, while Lee lived with his father. Brooke said that her father told that the Lord would come back for his own and that the Antichrist would force people to take a mark. They said that their predicament was that they felt that they would betray their father if they took the mark of loyalty, but they would also betray their mother if they became believers. Lionel Washington gave Lee and Brooke his Christian testimony and gave a summary of Christian message of salvation. As he was explaining the message to them, Lionel had the suspicion that heard it before because they understood it quickly, while other new believers earnestly asked questions. Nevertheless, Lionel led them to pray the prayer of forgiveness (with the concealed mark of loyalty), but the seal of the believer did not appear on their foreheads.

Carl Meninger, who was also residing in the house, looked up their stated information, and it checked out. Brooke wished (under the presumption that the plantation house did not have advanced technology) that the Young Tribulation Force would check the information out because she thought it would further throw them off track since it would make her and Lee look truthful.

Luke Gowin suggested that they should preemptively be killed because they were likely Global Community operatives, but Judd Thompson Jr. objected because they might be innocent. Instead, Judd suggested that they pretend that they are among the fellowship of believers, while also concealing the other believers in the house from them so that they can escape because the plantation house was now compromised. Lee and Brooke only thought that Judd, Lionel, Luke Gowin, and Tom Gowin were the only occupants of the house. Lionel was still eager to study the Bible with them because they ostensibly did not have the mark, thus God's word can still reach their hearts and genuinely convert them even if they are working for the Global Community or for bounty hunters. The Young Tribulation Force were able to ascertain that they had the mark of loyalty by monitoring their bedroom with hidden microphones and cameras when Brooke was scratching her forehead, while Lee enjoined her not to do that since it would rub off whatever was concealing it. The Young Tribulation Force overheard Brooke proudly exclaiming to her superior on a concealed phone that the Young Tribulation Force bought everything they said.

On Lionel's suggestion, the Young Tribulation Force gave the impression to them that another group of believers would soon arrive at the plantation house. Lee and Brooke told this to their superiors so that a raid can be scheduled for their anticipated arrival. When the Global Community forces finally came, the Young Tribulation Force escaped while they tied up Brooke and Lee. During their escape, Judd lunged at Brooke when she attempted to use their phone to call the GC, but Lee kicked Judd in the stomach. Luke then threw a backpack at Brooke to knock the phone away, while Lionel got the phone and smashed it.


After she and her brother prayed the sinner's prayer, they emphasized a supposed change in their emotional state -- that they felt a lot better -- even though they did not and cannot convert. After "becoming" believers, they were actually annoyed when Lionel Washington suggested that they participate in a Bible study. Brooke is quite confident and proud of her ability to act.

While she was feigning to be a believer, she was diffident that she was reluctant to lead a group prayer, stammering through the prayer, while concluding it with "I pray to Jesus, amen". While they were eating a meal, she and her brother gave an enthusiastic "amen" after the blessing of the meal concluded. When Lionel said that he looked forward to seeing Nicolae and the Global Community fall, Brooke asked how was that supposed to happen. Lionel told her that the Antichrist would try to fight God and his people with military might, but that the Antichrist and his false prophet would be captured and thrown in the lake of fire. Brooke was incredulous saying that Nicolae is so powerful and expressed doubt that it would actually happen. Lionel responded that he knows it will happen because he read the end of the book. The last time that the Young Tribulation Force saw them, Lee claimed that they would not get away since the bounty hunters would eventually get to them. Luke Gowin responded by saying that they may be right, but they should remember what they have said when the Global Community finally crumbles.

Since they claimed to be exposed to Christianity and dispensationalist eschatology through their father and perhaps read subversive material, they may have actually believed some of it. Regardless, even with that knowledge of Christianity, they still took the mark, but unlike other characters in the series, such as Dr. Patrick Rose and Vasily Medvedev, they did not express any regret for taking the mark, but rather showed their contempt for the believers.


Left Behind: The Kids


  • Brooke's only appearance is in book 35.
  • Brooke shares the same first name as Brooke Sanford, the voice actress that played Vicki Byrne in the dramatic audio presentation.