Left Behind Wiki
This article has a real world counterpart outside of Left Behind.
This subject has a counterpart in the real world. However, information in this article comes from the fictional universe of the Left Behind franchise.

The Bible (also referred to as the Scriptures) is the inerrant and infallible Word of God, which reveals His salvation plan to mankind through His Son Jesus Christ. The standard Protestant version consists of 66 books, 39 of which comprise the Old Testament and 27 of which comprise the New Testament. It was written over a period of 2,000 years by various authors through the "inspiration of God" (literally "God-breathed"/ "theopneustos", 2 Timothy 3:16), starting with the Torah, then later becoming "the Law and Prophets" at the time of Jesus' first coming, then later including the four Gospel accounts, the Acts of the Apostles, the Epistles that were written by at least five or six apostles in the First Century A.D., and the book of Revelation. It was originally written in Hebrew and Greek, and then later was translated into Latin, then English, and then into various other languages. It has been a common source of wisdom, guidance, and comfort for a Christian in his or her walk with the Lord.

The whole of the Left Behind universe is based on prophesied events from the Bible, primarily from the book of Revelation but also including various Old Testament prophecies regarding Israel that have yet to be fulfilled. Characters in the series also use the Bible and quote verses from various English translations, primarily from the New King James Version but also occasionally using the classic King James Version or the New Living Translation.

Enigma Babylon One World Faith considers the Bible's message of Jesus Christ being the only way to God to be heresy. Ironically, Carpathia used Bible knowledge of the two witnesses against them by planning the Global Gala to coincide with the date that their testimony would end so that he could execute them. Bibles were also used by the Global Community in ways that didn't honor God. Guy Blod used them to fuel the furnace inside the giant image of Carpathia that he helped to create. Z-Van often ridiculed Christians in his songs by saying that they are "willing to die...for a book" ("Praying to Air") and are "controlled by a book" ("What More Does He Have to Do?").

During the Glorious Appearing, a triumphant Jesus Christ quoted passages in the Bible to slay the members of the Global Community One World Unity Army that have been assembled to fight Him. Revelation 19:21 prophesied that Jesus would slay His enemies with "the sword of His mouth", which is often interpreted as the Word of God, and that their bodies would become a part of the Great Supper Of God. Chaim Rosenzweig, the leader of the Remnant in Petra, after Tsion Ben-Judah's resignation and death, quoted Hebrews 4:12 to support the notion that the sword is symbolic and metaphorical while the Word of God itself is potent:

is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

In the Dramatic Audio of Left Behind: The Kids, during the heat plague, Charlie asked that when Jesus came back whether he will find out who wrote the Book of Hebrews. That may refer to a controversy regarding whether it was written by Paul, as modern Biblical scholars typically reject Pauline authorship of the Book of Hebrews -- that it may have been written by an acquaintance of his.

In Left Behind: World at War, Nicolae Carpathia had shipments of Bibles tainted with a toxin that would kill whoever got their hands on them.
